Success Stories

We are known internationally for helping our members experience incredible, life-changing results. Read the following successes and be inspired by their stories. If you take action today, you could be one of our success stories too!

Janine Ayers

I’ve never been a fan of physical exercise! The gyms I have tried have had an impersonal atmosphere that discouraged me. (After all, I was looking for a PERSONAL trainer!) My introduction to NW Personal Training was a friendly greeting from the front desk. When I met Sophie for a tour I knew I had…

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Brooke & Connie

“Brooke began working with Bob while recovering from a knee injury in early 2022. Later that year, she enlisted her recently retired mom, Connie, to join her for weekly partner training sessions. As a busy mom of three, Brooke’s goal with training is to return to playing soccer. In the meantime, she stays active by…

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Laurel Wilson

I started my personal training experience at NWPT in January of 2012, and this has been the most valuable and fulfilling exercise program I have found that supports and encourages me to be in the best physical condition possible. I needed an exercise program that would hold me “accountable” to reach, sustain, and improve my…

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Gavin Gunnigle

Committing to a fitness routine that is sustainable over time is something that has historically been a struggle for me, and I’m grateful to have finally found something that has worked! I joined NWPT almost immediately after moving to the PNW back in August of ’22, and since then I’ve had a nearly 100% attendance…

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Kyle & Savannah Villiott

My husband and I started working out at Northwest Personal Training in February of 2023. We had our initial consultation with Makenah and immediately knew she would be a great fit for us. Not only is Makenah knowledgable, attentive, and flexible, but she is also a friend – always rooting for us and making our…

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Matt Ableidinger

I first found NWPT many, many (many) years ago when I was working a corporate job in Downtown Vancouver. My sedentary lifestyle wasn’t doing me any favors, and I needed some help to learn how to take care of my body a bit better. I immediately felt at home by NWPT’s welcoming atmosphere. To this…

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Jessica Arias

I started doing personal training at NWPT in July 2023 with my trainer, Sophie. After working long hours at a desk for a few years, I realized it was starting to take a major toll on my health. I have always had some chronic health issues, but when I got some bloodwork done with my…

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Patrick Woldstad

I started training at NWPT in May of 2021. I’ve always been active with hiking, biking, running, soccer, and snowboarding. But, I realized with age, it’s really easy to get injured and to knock yourself out of commission for a couple weeks. By the time I started training at NWPT, it was after a pivotal…

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Trina and Angel

Angel and I started our team training in February 2023. Prior to us training together, we both had trained separately with Jamie and have known her for many years. My interest in exercise has always been surrounded by the outdoors, golfing, running, paddle boarding, roller skating and hula hooping. I had always found going to…

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Graciela Cowger

Ladies and gentlemen, gather ’round, ’cause I’ve got a tale to tell about the most incredible athletic trainer that’s ever graced this mortal realm. You see, I’ve had my fair share of laughs, but nothing’s brought me as much joy as working with Nate Brown. Let me tell ya, folks, this trainer isn’t just about…

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Rick Grams

I started at NW Personal Training almost a year ago at the age of 75, to get in better shape for a bike trip in the Netherlands. After two or three months of going there, my health improved, I lost weight, reduced my arthritis pain and swelling, increased my flexibility and met some of the…

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Sheila Swiderek

Moving my body (i.e., walking with friends, hiking, biking, strength training, or running) has always been an important part of my life. As I’ve gotten older and started a family, the flexibility I once had to exercise has lessened. However, the important role it plays in my physical and mental well-being has not diminished. About…

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Rick Corkill

Whether you work with one trainer, or multiple, they all understand what your goals are and are focused on getting you there. So no matter what your age, body shape, or abilities are, the important thing is to simply walk through the door, because NWPT trainers make the work worth the effort. Hope to see…

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Lori Peterman

I don’t like to exercise for the sake of exercising and have never felt comfortable working out in a gym on my own. I want to be as healthy as I can for as long as I can so need to exercise, but I knew I needed someone to be accountable to. When the opportunity…

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Judy Bufford – A Year of Change

Who can forget 2020? A year of changes, many of them disheartening and beyond our control, but August 2020 was an unexpectedly bright spot for me. My daughter gave me a special birthday gift – a month of private personal training at NWPT! After knee replacement surgery, retirement from an outdoor job, and months of reduced…

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Amanda Christenson

Before starting at NWPT in August 2022, I was nervous to begin working out again because it had been a long time since I had been to the gym and I was afraid of re-injuring a bad sprain that had occurred the year before. I could tell I was getting weaker though, and made the…

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"They both continue to gain balance, strength and mobility"

Bruen and Jan Tucker – Partner Success

Northwest Personal Training is a great place to work out. The people are smiling and cheerful even at 5:30 in the morning! The trainers have helped us improve strength, flexibility and balance, and enjoy the workout at the same time. Our 30 minutes 3 times a week pass like 5 minutes as exercises are constantly…

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Stacey Judia Pierce

Hitting my mid-forties and waking up daily with pain, I knew I needed to make a massive change and put my physical health highest on the priority list. I searched for the right support and upon inquiring at NWPT, I knew I found the right place to help me get focused. Since my first phone…

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Keri Lyon

I have been a client at NWPT since March 2022.  I have joined different gyms throughout the years, but working out with Jamie and Nick has by far been my favorite experience.  Waking up at 5 am to work out isn’t easy, but at the end of each workout, I feel stronger, motivated, and full…

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Ryan Morrison

Do you know that place where everyone knows your name and looks forward to seeing you when you come in?  Northwest Personal Training is one of those kinds of places for me, and the friendliness and positive attitude keeps me coming back over and over again.  When I was younger, I got exercise on my…

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The Helwigs

Lance: Upon turning 60 years old I realized that something was missing in my life; mainly a dedicated commitment to long term health.  I had been working out intermittently all my life but after three or four months at the gym, I would eventually get bored with the routine and ultimately quit going.  I recognized…

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Kristal is a joy to work with. She is always ready to try something new and she also loves to challenge her trainer to jump in and try new exercises with her. Very dedicated client.

Kristal Page

When my previous studio made changes in early 2021, I began looking for a new gym. After speaking with many local establishments, I called NW Personal Training and after being greeted by a friendly voice, I knew I found my new home. After working out with Jess twice a week for almost a year, my…

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Grace Deng

I joined NWPT in February of 2021 and since then, I have been training with Jess consistently every Saturday morning. I have always thought of myself as a relatively healthy and fit person, love being outdoors, especially hiking in the Pacific Northwest! I’ve had gym memberships in the past but seeing others lifting heavy weights…

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Featured Client

Laura Plymale

How many years have you been at NWPT? I started 21 years ago when NWPT was located at Princeton athletic club. How do you do NWPT? What haven’t I done? Over the years there have been so many wonderful offerings such as running, triathlons, hiking, adventure trips and so much more. I have trained weekly…

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Seanette Corkill

I started working with NWPT by chance in the middle of COVID last June/July 2020, the least likely time to start a fitness program based upon their specialty, one-on-one coaching, but the program and the trainers (I train with Scott Campbell) were so adaptable in their approach we made it work. My initial goal, if…

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The Millers are so consistent and have worked so hard!

We joined NWPT because of our neighbors the Mays. Janet and Ron have been clients at NWPT for years and always spoke highly of their experience. Cliff and I are avid bicyclists but determined we needed help with strength, flexibility, balance, and most importantly, motivation. We found that perfect blend with Scott Campbell (for Kelley)…

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Jill Watson

Featured Client

I’m fairly new to NWPT (October 2020).  I have been working with Kristin consistently twice a week since then, and recently started partner training with a friend.  I have been intermittent fasting since August 2020, and I needed something to help me continue my journey towards a healthy lifestyle. Kristin has pushed me and encouraged…

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Featured Client

Brian Beliel

I sought out Northwest Personal Training because I noticed over my 20+ years working in live events as a Stage Technician that I was becoming very unhealthy because of the industry’s lifestyle.  I was also noticing a severe reduction of strength all over my body due to aging.  I noticed that I was becoming unable…

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Featured Clients

The Smiths

Sarah: In early 2019 started to feel off, with constant tension in my body and mind. I also had chronic, debilitating tennis elbow flare-ups monthly and pain from past sports injuries. I have several fitness goals but initially, these were the four that I needed and found at NWPT: To just do it! I just…

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Talk about Dedication!

Cirith Anderson-Sebree

I’ve been an NWPT client on-and-off since 2007. I became serious about personal training in 2015 recuperating from a self-inflicted back injury at the gym. The injury was a jarring realization that my current workout routine (same one I used for the last two decades) was not optimized for my then 41-year-old body. Enter Judith….

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Client of the Month, Teacher, Mother and Wife!

Chris Jamison

“Once you decide what you want, you make a commitment to that decision.” “Faith is the ability to not panic.” Being in shape does more for a person than almost anything else. When your body functions and doesn’t have to strain to complete day to day tasks, life is easier. That continues to become more…

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Dedication to exercises pays in many ways.

Tracy New

I have been a client of NWPT since the first day they opened. All of the trainers here are awesome and I have worked out with some of them at one point or another. I work out with Rob mostly because I had trained with him at a different gym. Growing up exercise was never…

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Teacher, Wife and Mother

Pat Desormeaux

I teach first grade and also lead a very hectic and stressful life. Before NWPT (even now sometimes) I deal with stress by eating! I started coming to NW Personal Training about two and one half years ago. I began personal training with Jason and when he left, Ted became my trainer and I’ve worked…

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Focus - Lindsay has stayed FOCUSED on her goals!

Lindsay Kolar

I’ve been through some ups and downs, both in weight and in life, but the positive encouragements I’ve received from everyone at NWPT has kept me going! Around 2012, I was in the best shape of my life, running the Girlfriend’s Half Marathon, participating in Warrior Dash, cycling events such as Reach the Beach and…

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Cindy is SO dedicated and inspiring!

Cindy Middleton


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Lorraine is unstoppable!

Lorriane Cook

Before I came to NW Personal Training I was a couch potato, I was overweight, my body hurt, I had knee issues. Just getting out of a chair was a challenge. In 2015 my mother had a stroke and I became her caregiver, last year my mother passed away. When she died, I died inside….

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Wonderful Wife and One Hard Working Lady!

Jody Richter

Training as a Hobby Over four years ago, I was lucky enough to find my way into the Vancouver Studio of Northwest Personal Training. Little did I know, it would become my home away from home. What started out as a half hour a week ordeal is now an 8 hour a week passion. The…

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Featured Client!

Traci Coleman

I’m relatively new to NWPT, working with one of the trainers (Nathan!!!) consistently since around September 2017. I’m someone that has tried several different types of exercise modalities over the recent years, and I have struggled to find something that I felt safe doing and that was a genuinely good fit and sustainable for me…

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Teacher and Fitness Fanatic!

Anne Hoban

I enjoyed Alex’s sense of humor and ability to present highly technical information in a “user-friendly” manner. I loved all his stories!…

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Working Out Together Is Motivating!

Sarah & Rye McNeil

We lead busy lives, and with our kids and careers demanding so much of our time, its easy for us to put off coming into workout and doing what we need to in order to be healthy. We love that working with Scott helps keeps us focused and motivated, and by doing partner training, we…

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Northwest Personal Training has been a very important part of my recovery in the recent years. They have helped me to regain much of my strength, improve my balance, and help me in fighting the muscle "wasting" that can occur with a stroke.

Erin O’Connor

My name is Erin O’Connor. I am 34 years old. I have been married for 15 years and am the proud father of my 9 year old son Morgan O’Connor. All of this may sound very ordinary, but so far my life has been anything but ordinary….. I got married to my wife Traci in…

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Client of the Month!

Richard Jones

I have been a NWPT client now for over 5 years. I bid on a 3-month auction offer and found that the enthusiasm, support, and accountability at NWPT was the environment I wanted and needed to improve both my physical and mental health. If you had told me 5 years ago that I would be…

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We have loved watching Katie grow over the years!

Katie Palludan

I have been a client of NW Personal Training for 7 years now. I’ve worked with almost every trainer at one point or another, but the trainers that I work most regularly with are Rob Cloke and Cody McHaney. I’ve known Rob for years, even before I came to NWPT for Personal Training. His oldest…

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Nicole is so strong and works so hard!

Nicole Ableidinger

I have always heard wonderful things about Northwest Personal Training, but for years found many excuses not to try it: “It’s too expensive. It’s too far away. I’m not a runner/swimmer/cyclist. I’m not a serious athlete.” My husband joined a Spring Makeover Challenge a few years ago, and after he tried some personal training and…

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Andy has come so far!

Andy Ganderton

When told that my name had been put forward for “Client of the Month” I initially laughed but then again I tend to laugh at a lot of things Alicia tells me. It is coming up on a year since I started my journey with NW Personal Training and with all the changes in my life…

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Client of the Month - Diane

Diane Woolard

I started working out at NWPT after getting injured and I could no longer rehab myself and get myself back into shape. I needed PT and a therapeutic environment to stay moving so I made a commitment to keep healthy and stay moving. My body needs additional support to do that and NWPT provided just…

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Steve is an Inspiration!

Steve Pool

I am not someone who really likes to be singled out or honored, and am very humbled by this recognition. Much of my life I have exercised and dieted off and on without any great success. I woke up one morning about a year and a half ago and finally accepted that I was at…

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Featured Client!

Mike Wall

Back in November 2016, I wanted to go get a DEXA scan as I was curious about my bone density. DEXA scans are also very useful tools to show body composition. I was horrified to find out that at the time of the scan, I was 43% fat, and had four pounds of visceral fat…

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Joni works so hard to stay fit and healthy!

Joni Berinstein

It is hard to believe that I have been coming to NWPT for 12 years. I had never been active in sports in high school or college and once I started working, fitness was not a priority. As a stay at home mom my life was all about carpooling and volunteering. Once Carly started first…

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Bonnie has worked so hard to get back to where she is!

Bonnie Harkins

In July 2015, my husband and I and our two dogs relocated to Vancouver from Pasadena, CA. Six months later, in January of last year, I unexpectedly suffered a stroke. In the span of six hours, I went from being an active, energetic workaholic to having severe deficits in speech, motor control, and coordination. I…

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Our Dedicated Featured Client!

Heidi Palena

I started at NWPT in 2006 after my second child was born. I was unfit, lacked confidence, and was pretty sad that my body didn’t seem to melt away the baby fat I had gained. I jumped right in with NWPT and joined in my first FAT LOSS CHALLENGE.   My trainer helped me to rock…

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Stan is the MAN!

Stan Morin

I very nearly fell out of my chair when I read in an email from Cody that I had been nominated for NWPT “Strong” Client of the month.  Initially I thought myself undeserving of such a grand distinction given that my arm circumference is but a fraction of Robs.  Then it dawned on me that…

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Tara has the endurance many strive towards!

Tara Taylor

Everyone needs a place where they can “just be.” NWPT is that place for me. As someone who has wrestled with depression since childhood, I know the benefits of regular physical exercise. I’ve belonged to multiple gyms, but never have I found the sense of community that pervades NWPT. A community is hard to describe…

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Brian Alder

  3 years ago, I had back surgery. 2 years ago, I couldn’t do a squat… I was missing out on things that I wanted to do with life! Then I met Cody, Judith and Molly and started training and committed myself to health. 1.5 years ago, I found out that I had a tumor…

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Lois offers Inspiration!

Lois Deckard

If someone had told me a long time ago that I would get cancer after working for 41+ years and retirement in full swing, ever would I have believed them, because I’ve always been active, watched my nutrition, and never smoked. So, five months after having my annual mammogram, I found a lump and my GP called…

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We wanted to recognize Kris because of her Perseverance!

Kris Hostetter

Perseverance describes me since February 10, 2015. I had noticed more sitting and less walking. I was eating less, weighing the same but gaining inches. My friend Teresa had suggested NWPT years ago, but I just wasn’t motivated until my doctor suggested a steroid injection into my neck to relieve pain.  Enough. I had to…

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Featured Client - What a story!

Bethany Malcolm

Before coming to NWPT I was a longtime smoker, poor eater and generally not fit person.  I had been toying with the idea of trying to quit smoking again and knew that when I did that the pounds would pack on again, just like the first time.  So while thinking about quitting I started researching…

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Shaunna has worked SO hard to get to where she is!!

Shaunna McCovey

I came to NWPT over 14 months ago after I decided I needed to put my health and well-being first. I’ve always been the self-sacrificing type, so making myself a priority was new territory. My initial consultation was with Judith and it was great! I could tell right away she wasn’t just trying to sell…

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She has come SO far!

Betsy Stephens

I’m a mom of 4 adult “kids” and a grandmother of 4. Having lost 50+ pounds 3 years ago I was thinking about getting into the gym to work on my physical fitness as part of my health journey. While playing in a women’s golf tournament I was the lucky winner of a sponsor’s gift….

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Angie has our attention! She is working hard on her health and wellness. Keep it up, Angie!

Angie Brown

“I have participated in numerous WHY racing events over the years. My first experience with NWPT was last summer when I participated in the Outdoor Bootcamp. I loved the experience. I received a 30-day unlimited group class and took advantage of my 30 days. After that 30 days, I signed up so I could keep…

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Dedication to exercises pays in many ways.

Tracy New

“I have been a client of NWPT since the first day they opened. All of the trainers here are awesome and I have worked out with some of them at one point or another. I work out with Rob mostly because I had trained with him at a different gym. Growing up exercise was never…

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We have loved watching Katie grow over the years!

Katie Palludan

“I have been a client of NW Personal Training for 7 years now. I’ve worked with almost every trainer at one point or another, but the trainers that I work most regularly with are Rob Cloke and Cody McHaney. I’ve known Rob for years, even before I came to NWPT for Personal Training. His oldest…

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Peter has worked hard to be where he is today!

Peter Tuck

“I have always been active, keeping myself in shape through rugby, soccer, Aussie rules, triathlons amongst other things. I have also eaten pretty well, keeping my weight in the good to reasonable range throughout my life. All told I considered myself to be in good to great health. It was a big shock when, just…

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Working Out Together Is Motivating!

Sarah & Rye McNeil

“We lead busy lives, and with our kids and careers demanding so much of our time, its easy for us to put off coming into workout and doing what we need to in order to be healthy. We love that working with Scott helps keeps us focused and motivated, and by doing partner training, we…

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Philip has shown courage and determination over the years!

Philip Hodapp

“On August 4, 1997, at the “ripe old age” of 36 years old, I was informed that the symptoms that I had been struggling with for the previous 5 years were the result of my having Parkinson’s Disease. I was told to expect to be in a nursing home needing care to survive within 5…

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Jeff's fitness journey is inspiring, he has come so far!

Jeff Carrier

“I began my fitness journey in September 2017. I think the main reason was I wanted to be able to open a bag of chips easily. Lol. I was in really poor shape. I started an over 5- Crossfit 12-week program. I altered my diet by giving up sugar, dairy, and bread. I also wanted…

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Focus - Lindsay has stayed FOCUSED on her goals!

Lindsay Kolar

“I’ve been through some ups and downs, both in weight and in life, but the positive encouragements I’ve received from everyone at NWPT has kept me going! Around 2012, I was in the best shape of my life, running the Girlfriend’s Half Marathon, participating in Warrior Dash, cycling events such as Reach the Beach and…

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Consistency - Nicole's consistency is paying off!

Nicole Peveler

“I was a client at NWPT several years ago but ended up taking some time off. I came back to NWPT the Fall of 2018 and asked Molly to be my trainer again. She made me feel so comfortable in the studio. I always hated going to the gym alone and working out with the…

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Energy - Ying always has a smile on her face and we love her Energetic spirit!

Ying Jacobs

“I have been coming to NWPT since we moved from Seattle in 2016. It is truly a gem in downtown Vancouver. I quite enjoy the variety of classes provided each day. All the trainers carefully design and plan their classes. They make the classes fun, engaging, and challenging. Sometimes, I might cheat a little and…

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Commitment, Tyler has really committed himself to his workouts at NWPT.

Tyler Brinkman

“Commitment. This is what I was hoping to find at NWPT. I started coming to NWPT a little over 7 months ago. I work nearby and was aware that there was some sort of fitness center nearby because occasionally a group of sweaty(but happy looking) folks would run by. I had been a “member” at…

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Talk about commitment!

Mike Taylor

“Late in 2011, I was declared obese by my doctor. At first, I was shocked, then disgusted with myself. I’d always been pretty athletic. Football, swimming, Tae Kwon Do, fly fishing but as I got older and focused on my career and business those things sort of lost priority in my life. I gained the…

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Tawni Delanoy

“I have been a member of Northwest Personal Training for 12 years now. Throughout my journey here I have been trained and pushed by many trainers. This training has shown me that my limits are higher than I thought they were. My endurance has increased, my body has shown results and my health has improved…

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What an Inspiration!

Joe Markee

“There are three things I am passionate about: My Family The work that our family and friends have done in Haiti for the past 35 years What NW Personal Training has done for me I started coming to NW Personal Training a long time ago. It was a fit for me from my first visit….

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At NWPT we STRONGLY believe that having a PLAYFUL spirit is a very important part of living a healthy life! Michelle embodies a playful spirit and we LOVE it!

Michelle Nisle

I played collegiate volleyball on a scholarship and consequentially worked out for four to five hours every day.  After my volleyball career ended, I went directly to law school where I sat all day every day in class and studying.  As a result of this new lifestyle I gained weight and lost muscle.  Prior to…

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New Attitude for Life!

Kevin Roberts

“Less than a year ago I was overweight with dangerously high blood pressure and a depressed attitude. I have been on and off workout programs for many years. These self-directed training sessions and weight loss regimens lasted a short period of time before going back to old bad habits – habits that exhibited an unbalanced…

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Pam Floyd

“Five months ago, in March 2018, I was in so much chronic pain, I had to use a cane or shopping cart to walk more than 10 minutes. I had a ruptured disk, a back injury from 25 years ago, arthritis, congestive heart failure, depression, anxiety disorder, plus I was pre-diabetic and 190 pounds. I…

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Reaching Towards Success

Becky Rogerson

“I wasn’t your typical “big girl.” Oh, I certainly qualified for that title at 300 pounds for at least a decade… but I didn’t see myself as that big. I felt like I took up a lot of physical space but I didn’t see a big girl in the mirror. I didn’t hate myself. I…

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Breaking Barriers & Getting on Track!

Echo Langley

“I had never been one who enjoyed physical exercise. I never played sports and the only light that saw my face was the light of the refrigerator. When I turned 65, Medicare said they would pay for me to go to the gym so I went to the “big box” gyms they paid for. They…

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Ruby Grendahl

“About four years ago, I lost two key people in my life, which made me think about my own mortality. At that time, my grand-daughter encouraged me to join a local gym with her; which I did. In the Fall of 2017, I felt like I needed additional (professional) help in gaining upper boy and…

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Angie's positive, fun energy is magnetic!

Angie Carter

I have been going to NWPT since June 2015. I still remember my first session with Marijka. When she asked me if I considered myself to be active and fit, I replied, “Sure, I walk my dog.” I appreciated her discretion as I scrambled through each of the exercises. I then realized how out of…

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Brittany has impressive STRENGTH!

Brittany Pratt

I moved to Vancouver in the beginning of 2013. I didn’t know a soul. I was recently married, and the heaviest I have ever been. My journey with NWPT started one Saturday evening when I went to put my “go-to” dress on, and I couldn’t get it zipped up. I thought, “That’s it, on Monday…

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Annie Brooks

“After graduating from college, 30lbs heavier than when I started, I tried out a variety of fitness programs, hoping to lose the extra weight that I had gained. Throughout the process, I experienced a lot of frustration, self-doubt, and ultimately, more weight gain. I found myself with my weight at an all-time high. I was…

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Bob has endless ENDURANCE!

Bob Hoffman

For me, exercise is all about being healthy.  How much I weigh and what I look like are ancillary benefits to being healthy.  A couple years ago I weighed 214 lbs and was on the highest allowable doses of medicines for cholesterol and high blood pressure. I could barely exert myself for more than 5…

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Barb has an admirable dedication to exercise that is infectious!

Barb Disser

About five years ago my Mom who had numerous medical problems and was inactive was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s. This scared me since although I had been active in sports in my 20’s I was now at my maximum density (weight), was inactive, and occupied with work. I decided I needed to work out again and…

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Medal Monger AKA The Rocket

Kristen Morin

Evolution of a Medal Monger An Autobiography By Kristen Morin AKA “The Rocket” Authors note: I am so glad this month’s topic is SPEED. As Sherri says, it is very important to incorporate speed into our training program as we age. You don’t necessarily have to be the fastest, but you definitely don’t want to…

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Kris Sharp and Charlene Montierth

Kris and I are committed – to each other, to health, to joy, and to living long and active lives together, and Northwest Personal Training is part of that commitment. 18 months ago I could not have imagined living in a body in which I felt strong, in whichI could live for another 30 or 40…

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Client of the Month- We feel that Edie's Playfulness adds so much to her workouts and her experience with exercise. It is a fitness attribute that is often forgotten... thank you Edie for reminding us how important it is to the success of many!

Edie Dietzen

As I accept this award, there are so many people to thank like Rob, Ted, Kristin, Kara, Cindy, Emma and Lilian. However, the two who stand out in my mind the most are my husband, Jerry, who supports me fully and budgets our finances so that I may continue this adventure. The second is the…

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Featured Client - Jenny has Stamina and it keeps her strong and fit so she can do the things that are important to her!

Jenny Larson

Looking back, I don’t think I have gone more than a few weeks without working out since I was 18. But, until joining NWPT, I haven’t been this strong and fit this consistently. I’m a full-time working mom and wife and I work out for lots of reasons: to keep up with my 10 year…

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Featured Client!

Kim Sprague

I love NWPT!!!! It seems a little crazy to me that I am so head over heels for a place that makes me work until I have nothing left to give, leaves me feeling sore in new places every single week, and has me walking out a sweaty mess every day! The best part about…

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Our Joyful Client of the Month!

Diane Laya

I retired from the military in 2009 and basically put daily physical training on the shelf. Then I moved to the Pacific Northwest, land of delicious food, beer, and wine; the trifecta of indulgence! Couple that triple threat with a lethargic lifestyle, oh boy, I was quickly becoming seriously unhealthy. I was encouraged to “check…

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Our Joyful Client of the Month! We love Beth she always spreads joy whenever she is in our studio!

Beth Brewer

I’ve always been a solo act when it comes to exercise and fitness. I never played team sports and for years I told myself that I wasn’t an athlete, wasn’t competitive and was just too busy to exercise consistently. Frankly, working out with a trainer or committing to trying something out of my comfort zone…

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We have come to love her and her enthusiasm which definitely is catching.

Teresa Pauletto

Teresa started training with us in January of 2013. Since that time, Teresa has come a long way because of her commitment to doing the best she can each and every day. When she met with me the very first time, I could see she was very excited to start but needed the guidance for…

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Client of the Month

Dave Whitney

I want to thank each and every trainer at NWPT for their support. With out their constant encouragement (nagging) my health would be in jeopardy. I started 20 lb’s heavier and could not do one pull-up, and maybe two push-ups. When I tried to run with Julie and made it one block. With the help…

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Featured Client

Elizabeth Clarkson

Several years ago I joined Northwest Personal Training because I realized I wasn’t getting the results I wanted from my own self-directed workouts. My body was changing with age and I didn’t know how to deal with it. I knew I didn’t want to join a franchise health club with paint by the number workout…

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Michelle shows balance in her life both physically and mentally!

Michelle Hoffman

In January of 2013 I got serious about losing weight. And I did, but it wasn’t enough and I hadn’t done it in a healthy way. I basically starved myself until I just couldn’t lose any more. When I attempted to add in exercise, I had little success. I received lots of great advice from…

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Trainer Love

Kristen Morin

It’s me again!  I just wanted to take a moment to recognize my overly caffeinated trainer Derrick DeLay since I have never taken the time to do so. I was walking (yes, walking) up the hill by my house this morning.  It’s long, about 1.5 miles and pretty steep in some parts.   I haven’t walked…

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Client of the Month

Megan Joy Hendricks

I may have done a couple pushups before this picture to look presentable but there was a time when I couldn’t even do one. Very overweight, sedentary, and horribly unhappy, I never could have guessed that I would one day be in the shape I am today. My friends now find that person hard to…

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Carol is our client of the month that represents ENDURANCE!!

Carol Miller

I first walked in the door at NWPT 2 years ago. After raising 3 boys and some health problems, I was in the worst shape of my life. I couldn’t even walk my dog without hurting my knee, hip, or back. I felt like I was stuck being a spectator in my life. I knew…

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"Over the past eight years we have really enjoyed being part of the NWPT family."

Ty Stober & Lamar Bryant

In 2005 when we moved to Vancouver, we knew we needed to get serious about our health. Both of us where at our heaviest weights ever, still trying to convince ourselves that we could fit into clothes from our younger days. It wasn’t pretty! Our apartment complex had an arrangement with NWPT. While nervous we…

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Strength, Dana has progressed quickly to being one of our strongest clients and we LOVE IT!

Dana Meyer

Prior to joining NWPT, I had another gym membership and actually used it several times a week. But, I wasn’t meeting my fitness and weight loss goals, so I knew it was time to make a change. One of the first group classes that I attended was Bootcamp with Rob. It was a killer class…

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Share the Love!

Katy & Jeremy Andersen

“My first experience with NWPT was in 2010, when I signed up to run the Girlfriend’s Half-Marathon with a friend. I envisioned myself training to run 13.1 miles, yet I had never even run a 5K. In the end, I walked the entire thing. While it was a great accomplishment, deep down I wanted to…

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Education Consultant/Instructor, Wife, Mother, 63 years young

Lynn Scapple

I have been a client of Northwest Personal Training for almost 9 years. The results I have achieved are awesome. First, I enjoy the buoyancy of consistent good mental and physical health. Second, with consistent support from trainers, I have regained almost full use of my right arm which had incurred muscle damage that caused…

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"Speed"- He is one fast guy!!

Brock Schoene

Brock has grown up around running and athletic events. He was just 4 months old, sitting in his jogger, waiting for his mom to finish a triathlon. A typical weekend for Brock over the past 14 years of his life has been either in a gym playing basketball, on a field playing soccer or in…

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They are just adorable - Share the Love

Kate & Rahim

Burpees, lunges and squats, oh my! Kate and I relocated to Vancouver in 2013 and spent the first year in our entire adult lives not working out and without a gym to call home. Thankfully, a fellow colleague suggested we give NWPT a try and after doing a little online research we decided to join…

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Actively Retired!

Judy Iams

Exercise and fitness have been an integral part of my life since childhood. I was on various tennis and swimming teams throughout elementary and high school. While I was not a star athlete, I loved being active and part of a team. I stopped competitive sports in college and began a 20 plus year routine…

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Dedicated to consistency!

Denise Lukins

I first started training with NWPT back in the old Princeton Athletic Club days! I did take a break for a few years until I happened to run into Rob at an event. The next week, he sent me an email more or less telling me I was coming back and he was going to…

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Business Owner, Husband and Father

Joe Hutton

I first came to NWPT in 2006 at the age of 42 at the suggestion of my wife. Up to then, my efforts at fitness consisted of periodic efforts of dedicated running, usually focused on training for a race. Despite my sincere intentions to continue my running after a race I would inevitably lose my…

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Powerful! We chose Marla as our Powerful client of the month because of her ability to take on anything!

Marla Mcgourty

When you join NWPT, you add an extension to your family. That is how both the personnel and clients make you feel. The group class schedule at NWPT changes every couple of months – this keeps things interesting and makes you realize that no matter when you workout, you are going to be doing it…

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Co-Owner of Goldwal Construction

Jay Golden

I have been running & cycling for over 30 years. As a small business owner exercise has always been a great tool for stress management. I began to notice in my forties that I needed a more rounded approach to fitness. Injuries & maturation were taking their toll. I came to NWPT at the recommendation…

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Client of the Month, Attorney

Jennifer Montgomery

Since joining Northwest Personal Training 6 years ago, I have truly enjoyed and appreciated how professional and inspiring the trainers and support staff are. Without them and NWPT, I’d never have completed my first ? marathon or Sprint Tri (of many more to come). They’ve helped me accomplish my personal goals from hiking all around…

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Client of the Month!

Sara Beel

My turning point was seeing myself in the company Christmas photo. I knew I had been putting on weight. I knew that I needed to do something about it. Those were the thoughts vaguely floating in the back of my mind for almost a year. One glance at that picture though, and those thoughts were…

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Client of the Month

Pam Ballard

I first started coming to NWPT in 2003, shortly after Northwest Personal Training opened their doors. I had been exercising for years, walking 4 to 5 miles each morning, going to 2 or 3 Jazzercise classes a week, and training for 1 or 2 half marathons each year. But something was missing from my routine….

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Client of the Month!

Ken Johnson

I was encouraged to join NWPT by my business partner Joe Hutton. He has gone on for years on how beneficial his time spent here has been in keeping his physical conditioning up. As I have approached and past the 50 year mark, I knew I needed to do something to get back into shape,…

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Chamber of Commerce

Paul Montague

Prior to starting with Northwest Personal Training I had given up on gyms making a difference for me. I had seen my weight slowly creep upward from 187 lbs to 200 to 220 to a high point of 243 lbs. For years, my doctor had been after me to lose weight, and in January of…

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What an AMAZING story!

Zoe Hill

When I was twelve years old I became a diabetic. The ironic thing about that day is I went to ice cream right before, and I got the biggest serving. I was always sitting, watching TV, eating the food that gave me an illness, in quantities that were out of control. Though between then and…

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Client of the Month!

Shelby Nix

I’ve never been one to join a gym. From the stale air to those that go for all of the wrong reasons. Thanks to a good friend of mine, wink, wink Annette!, and a “Christmas present” from the husband, I reluctantly joined NW Personal Training. One of the best decisions I’ve ever made. Not only…

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Brian - Owner, Straight Up Carpentry, Sharon - Office Manager Straight Up Carpentry, Parents to 3 Grown Children

Sharon & Brian West

I wanted to let you know how much your Vancouver studio means to both Brian and I. We feel like it is our home away from home (perhaps because we are there 3 days a week). Every single person who works at the studio is so incredibly supportive, kind, and helpful! There isn’t a trainer…

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Karey shows how passionate she is day in and day out through her amazing approach to fitness.

Karey Schoenfeld

I believe in living life to its fullest. I don’t sit still very easily, so the hardest part of training at NWPT is when I have to close my eyes and sit still at the end of a yoga/pilates class. Of course the spin classes, shockwave sessions, strength and boot camp classes are all tough…

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Client of the Month!

Jeff Kohphs

When I came to NWPT last August I was in the worst shape of my life and was encouraged by my family and doctor to “do something different” as my health and general attitude were in a bad place. I had checked out emotionally after the unexpected death of my brother, and struggled with poor…

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Energy. Gretchen seems to have endless energy for her workouts and in her life! We love it!!

Gretchen Grey-Hatton

Each of us trains for different reasons. Some of us want to lose weight, others want to build muscle, while most of us want to look and feel great. Nearly ten years ago, I was in a head-on collision on Fruit Valley Road. While I’d survived physically, my body was broken. I suffered from near…

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Voted "Most Inspirational Story" in 2017

Tom Hagley

  I checked myself into the E.R. at Legacy Salmon Creek with chest pains, but that wasn’t the only reason I decided to join Northwest Personal Training. Two other self-awakening, rear-end-kicking, and ultimately life-changing experiences motivated me to invest in my health and fitness. In my late 30s, as a way of coping with stress, I…

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Nichole & Nerissa are hard working gals!

Nichole Reitzenstein & Nerissa Fallon

Our partner training and team training at NW Personal Training has provided us with a path to reach our exercise and health  goals in a safe and healthy way. With the customized instruction from the trainers we get to work with we both have experienced amazing results. We began our NW Personal Training journey to…

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Featured Client - Rob has inspired so many people and is a BEAST!

Rob Preece

After rotator cuff surgery in November 2014, I came to NWPT in February 2015 at the urging of my wife and started rehabbing my shoulder with Marijka.  My first thought was this gym is way too small, but I was so wrong.  I have always been active and worked out, but right away I found…

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Client of the Month

Pamela T. Bartlett

Three years ago, as a recently retired accountant, I decided I finally had the time to work on some personal fitness goals that, as a busy working professional I had long ignored. I’d recently moved to downtown Vancouver and was lucky enough to find NW Personal Training and began working with Leah. Together we mapped…

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Client of the Month

Robby Halterman

I first started working out at NWPT in December of 2007. Since then I look at working out differently -they have made it so fun and rewarding. I now get more out of every workout and I feel incredible. My day is not complete if I don’t go to class or have my training with…

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Client of the Month!

Jessie Pike

Not so long ago, I was completely out of shape and I couldn’t chase my son around the block without getting winded. Something had to change. I started running SLOWLY and for small periods of time: 1 min, 3 mins, 15 mins, and slowly, but surely, was able to run 3-5 miles (without stopping!) on…

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Featured Client!

Kelly Nolan

The main reason for my success has been the motivation of the 6-week challenge, combined with training for the Gals and Dudes Triathlon (my first). Having Kara’s guidance on meal planning, as well as the accountability that comes from turning in food logs and meal plans and weekly weigh-ins, have made a big difference. I…

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Wife, Mother, Business Professional

Shannon Decker

June 12, 2004… the first day of the rest of my life! That was the day I made a commitment to my health and rearranged the priorities in my life! As a working mother with numerous professional and personal commitments, I never thought I had time for exercise. Once I faced reality, I became a…

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Laural is a master of keeping a healthy balance with work, exercise and play!

Laural Wilson

Working with a Personal Trainer at NWPT was and continues to be one of the best decisions I have ever made for myself!! All of the trainers I have had the opportunity to work with are AMAZING!!! I truly would not be able to lift or push myself to accomplish the weights or the workouts…

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Clark County Medical Examiner, Husband and Dad

Dennis Wickham

In the fall of 2005, I made a nearly four year commitment to take on a leadership role in Rotary where my volunteer commitment gradually increased. In the last year and a half the time commitment to my real job and my volunteer commitment was equivalent of having more than two full time jobs. There…

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Chief Financial Officer, Wife

Julie Adelman

For years, I had struggled with my weight. I did Atkins and Jenny Craig but any results I experienced were temporary. I knew that the real change would only happen if I added more activity into my life. But I hated “exercise” and trying to do it on my own wasn’t working. I had been…

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Dave Dumas

Being a successful real estate agent can be exhausting. I schedule my life around my clients’ needs. This includes early morning meetings, all day showings, late evening appointments, lots of paperwork and tons of client follow-up. It’s easy to see why I could never stick to an exercise plan. That is until I committed to…

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Client of the Month!

Hannah Gingles-Pattison

In February 2010 I found myself at my heaviest and emotionally at my lowest. Having tried many fad diets and had a number of gym memberships with no success, I was afraid that I would have to accept the fact that I was never going to be a thin or athletic person. Holding out hope…

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Teresa has come so far!

Teresa Pauletto

After twenty years of being pretty sedentary, I knew I needed help. I was worried about my balance and how a fall could cause serious injury. Leah has been by my side from day one. Encouraging and challenging me every step of the way. I am healthy and strong and have been able to have…

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Reminiscent Client

Sharon West

There is only one negative thing I can say about all of you at NWPT, and that is you are all so fantastic that other gyms/studios never measure up. Believe me, I have tried. There is absolutely no comparison. It really is a buyer beware industry, and I sure miss the quality of all the…

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Client of the Month!


NWPT has provided me with the motivation and workout plan that I was lacking. Since college I have been an on-off regular patron of a gym where I would go for a few months, work hard but then loose interest and quit until I got on the next gym kick. I didn’t have the depth…

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Owner - Alpine Auto Body, Husband, Father

Rod Cook

Like most people, I’ve started an exercise program on my own in the past. But, I never stuck to it. I got bored, lazy or never saw results. But that all changed when I started working out at Northwest Personal Training. They make me do what I know I’m supposed to do. They hold me…

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Shareholder and Vancouver Office Managing Partner, Schwabe, Williamson and Wyatt

Lisa Lowe

Being a successful attorney in Clark County for over twenty years takes a lot of mental and physical energy. Before Northwest Personal Training, I rarely found time to exercise because I was just too tired, too stressed or too busy. With Northwest Personal Training, I found the accountability that I needed to achieve results. I’ve…

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Writer/Editor, Mother of 2 boys

Gina Bacon

Two years ago I was sick and tired – literally. An autoimmune disease had me down. I’d gained 25 pounds in the four years since getting sick. I took naps every day to beat fatigue from my illness. And was having trouble keeping up with my two young boys. My doctor told me to get…

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Greg is a role model to fellow clients and has shown a strong dedication to health and fitness over the years!

Greg Duplessie

I’ve been coming to NWPT since the doors openend (literally) and have not stopped. That’s 9+ years in this location. How many friends, family, co-workers do you know that have stuck with the same gym for that long? Not many… NWPT is part of my “family.” I (still) love coming, seeing friends and acquaintances, having…

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Business Professional, Husband, Father of two

Mike Worthy

My life has changed dramatically! When my doc told me my cholesterol was high and my weight was getting out of control, I knew I had to do something about it. I always thought I could just do it on my own, but in the past trying it on my own never worked. I guess…

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Husband, Father, Business Owner - Clarke's Moving Co.

Peter Clarke

I’ve been chubby all my life. My self-esteem has taken a beating and previously, I would never even think about going swimming without a t-shirt and would never wear a tank top. I guess I got to the point where I was sick and tired of being overweight and really wanted to change So I…

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Vice President, GRI

Tamara J. Fuller

When I turned 40 three years ago, I invested in Northwest Personal Training as a catalyst to re-motivate me to take care of myself. After the first year I found my lifestyle changing so that I was working out more in a week than going out for dinner and drinks. The next year I completed…

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Attorney - Miller Nash, Husband, Father

Steve Horenstein

I’m a smart guy – or at least I like to think so. But I’ve never been smart about exercise until the last few years. I always thought it was too costly to work out with a trainer. But then I started thinking…I spend more money on my car payment, a new suit and dinner…

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Courage. Joleen showed so much courage and strength in fighting breast cancer and continuing to live a happy, healthy and FIT life in remission!

Joleen Skarberg

I’ve been working out at NWPT since the first day they opened. How do you talk about your family that you love? They are all a huge positive part of my daily life. It’s a place I feel at home. Always met with smiles and hellos! On days I don’t feel like working out, I’m…

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Loving Husband, Father and Dedicated Attorney at Law!

Dick Matson

About eight or nine years ago, it became apparent I needed to add strength training to my workout regimen and I decided to give NW Personal Training a try. I was working out on my own at the former Princeton Athletic Club in my office building at that time and NWPT was then operating in…

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John Fazzolari

I really was the typical fat guy. I put on 10 lbs, then 10 more… well, you know the rest. I was athletic when I was younger, but I let myself go. I just got too busy with work and the kids. So I joined a gym and was a member for over 4 years….

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Happy & Healthy Client


WHY SWEAT IT? Several years ago, I began to notice I ended most days oddly achy and tired. I thought it was due to my job and the jostling hour-long bus commutes. I was now in my sixties so there was that as well. Then, just over a year ago, a passing comment by a…

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Home Mortgage Consultant, Wells Fargo Home Mortgage

Cindy Kaaina

You actually inspire me and without you over the last 9 months, I truly would have been lost. You have been my rock and I am so very blessed to have met you. When I made that first appointment and got you as my trainer – I didn’t realize everything we would go through together,…

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Chef, 30 years young

Cheryl Stephenson

My initial goal was to start exercising to look good in my wedding dress. After 4 months, I have lost 20 pounds and am more toned than when I was in high school! My arms are going to look great in my strapless wedding gown! My workouts are challenging and FUN! I love the personal…

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Accountant, Wife, Mother

Diana Smith

My accounting practice often keeps me tied to my desk for long hours. Every year, after tax season I would find that I gained another 10 pounds! But, not since I joined Northwest Personal Training. In fact, this year I lost 10 pounds! I feel better, sleep better, and perform better on the job because…

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Nursing Professor

Terri Harvath

For years, I have neglected my health, putting it last among the many priorities in my life. As a result, my health has suffered and I found myself at risk for chronic health problems that pose serious risks to my well-being. Since joining Northwest Women’s Fitness Club & Northwest Personal Training, I have been able…

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Donna has improved so much in such a short amount of time. She came in with a fear of falling all the time. Now she keeps bragging how confident she feels about her balance and she's not worried of falling anymore!

Donna Tinsen

My name is Donna Tinsen, and I’m 75 years old. I was widowed last year after my husband’s prolonged illness. The strain of caring for him took all the energy and life out of me. I was exhausted and overweight, and having terrible trouble with my left knee. I resolved to take my Weight Watchers…

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Wonder, possibility, transforming, power, awe..... Gena

Gena Bailey

I have been obese and sometimes morbidly obese for most of my 54 years. Sometimes during those years I could not walk any distance comfortably. Recently with the help of Northwest Personal Training I decided to reinvent myself as an athlete. I, Gena, will complete the NWPT Triathlon on July 25th! I have already been…

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Member Since 2001

Jean Hotchkiss

I started working out at NWPT when they were at the Princeton Health Club and I made the move with them to their new and present location. In the beginning I would work with a trainer along with group classes every morning at 5:30AM! I currently come to group classes every day. Some of the…

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Happy Momma

Tracy Fenty

When I walked through the doors of NWFC 9 months ago, I was an over-weight, out of shape mom of two, closer to 50 than 40 and pretty depressed about how I had let myself go. I wore clothes to hide my flab, was tired all the time and had zero energy. I loved to…

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Starting them young...

The Bacon Boys

I would like to express my appreciation for the opportunity to bring my sons to the studio during the summer. Your “bring your kids to the studio” program was a great experience for my sons, John, 10 and Nicholas, 13. It was also a great way for me to spend time with them while sticking…

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What sets us apart from others?

We provide personalized strength and fitness workouts led by world-class, award-winning trainers. As a result, our clients achieve life-changing transformations.

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Shape Up with Sherri

Supermans Should Be a Staple Exercise

The prone opposite arm/leg lift, commonly known as the “Superman” exercise, should be an exercise staple for all…

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5 of The Worst Exercises

Not all exercises are created equal. While some boost your fitness, strengthen your body and help to keep…

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Baby, It’s Hot Outside!

Summer’s sweltering heat can sabotage even the most committed exercise enthusiast’s workout plans. But don’t let the blazing…

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