Category: Core Conditioning

Core Conditioning Essentials

Neglecting core conditioning can lead to a host of problems, from poor posture to increased risk of injury during daily physical activities and sports. Core stability and mobility are essential for optimal health, overall strength, balance, and functional movement.  In order to have a strong core, we need to work it from all angles and…

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Fascia Fitness

Fascia is connective tissue that surrounds and supports every muscle, organ, blood vessel, bone, and nerve cell. When your fascia is healthy, it is smooth and stretches with you as you move. If fascia is not healthy, it can get sticky, dry, thick, and tight causing restriction to movement and/or pain. Fascia adhesions, also referred…

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Standing Core

Most people work their core from the floor performing crunches, sit-ups, planks and other variations. The core is extremely important because it’s the foundation for all your movements. When your core is strong that strength radiates out to your extremities allowing you to perform activities of daily living better and enjoy enhanced sports performance. If…

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Fifty & Fit

Having recently turned 50 years old, it reminded me how important it is for all menopausal women to understand what’s going on in our bodies and do what we can to prevent, reverse or minimize any negative symptoms. It’s also important to note that the entire process can take up to 20 years for some…

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Bridge Your Way To Strong Hips

If your hips aren’t strong enough to stabilize your pelvis while walking, running or playing sports, your knees and back will suffer. Strong Hips = Strong Knees.  Weak Hips = Weak Knees. Bridging is an exercise often used by physical therapists to help strengthen hips and it can be done anywhere with no equipment. Here’s…

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