Brian Beliel

"Under both trainer's professional care, I have been successful in meeting my body transformation goals. I hope to continue working on my future goals with these fine fellows."

Featured Client

I sought out Northwest Personal Training because I noticed over my 20+ years working in live events as a Stage Technician that I was becoming very unhealthy because of the industry’s lifestyle.  I was also noticing a severe reduction of strength all over my body due to aging.  I noticed that I was becoming unable to officially do the job requiring me to lift 50 to 100 pounds consistently, so I decided to change my lifestyle.  My father had a heart attack a few months before I began Northwest Personal Training, and I didn’t want to suffer the same fate; I knew to do an overhaul of my health, I would need a professional to work out with to motivate me to push me to the levels I need to be pushed to lose weight and regain my strength.

I am thoroughly enjoying my training sessions with the dynamic duo of Nathan Brown and Cody McHaney.  These gentlemen provide a unique training experience as a client: there is witty repartee; they are constantly collaborative to ensure that I’m never bored and repetitive in exercise routines.  They have both helped me completely transform my body even though the Covid-19 pandemic.  I maintained a workout schedule when things had to go from in-person training to virtual training options.  I trained with Nathan five days a week, recently having to modify it because of my schedule currently working with him three days a week for 30 minutes sessions. The other two days, I work with his fellow trainer/partner in crime, Cody McHaney. Both in-person and virtual training sessions with these two are extraordinary. Under both trainer’s professional care, I have been successful in meeting my body transformation goals. I hope to continue working on my future goals with these fine fellows.

What sets us apart from others?

We provide personalized strength and fitness workouts led by world-class, award-winning trainers. As a result, our clients achieve life-changing transformations.

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