Tag: strength training

It’s Time To Get Fit(ish) – Week 1

We collaborated with Brenda Braxton and KGW to host a fitness series to help viewers get moving and get in better shape whether they are in their 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s, 60s or beyond. Each decade presents new challenges and opportunities, and we’ll break those down and provide our community a couple takeaways you can…

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What’s the Bare Minimum to Maintain Fitness?

It is true that if “you don’t use it, you lose it”. Fitness is transient. The unfortunate reality is that the training benefits gained from an exercise program will be lost if the program is discontinued. Exercise must be a regular component of one’s lifestyle to reap the benefits. There is no finish line. Fitness…

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Heart Health

February is a great month to remind ourselves of the importance of cardiovascular fitness and heart health. Regular cardio exercise is critical for the strength of your heart, the regulation of blood pressure and blood cholesterol, the management of stress and depression, brain health and the prevention of weight gain and obesity. A solid cardio…

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2021 Reset

If there’s one thing that 2020 taught us, it’s the importance of overall health. Most people gain a bit of weight during the holidays and add in a global pandemic and a lockdown with people eating more and participating in less physical activity, it’s easy to see why people might be ready for a reset…

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Fifty & Fit

Having recently turned 50 years old, it reminded me how important it is for all menopausal women to understand what’s going on in our bodies and do what we can to prevent, reverse or minimize any negative symptoms. It’s also important to note that the entire process can take up to 20 years for some…

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Pump Your Muscles and Heart with Outdoor Workouts

Since the risk for exposure to Covid-19 is lower outdoors, many people are opting for outdoor workouts. Fortunately, the weather is cooperating making exercising outside more enjoyable. Here is a workout that you can do outdoors that involves both cardio-respiratory and muscle conditioning exercise. The program alternates between periods of running or walking and resistance…

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Workout Tools at Home

Since our training studio has been closed for nearly a month due to COVID-19, I’ve been teaching a lot of virtual online classes and training sessions. It has definitely proven that you don’t need a gym to get a great workout. There are literally hundreds of muscle and cardio exercises you can do with absolutely…

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Bored? Give Me 3 Minutes to a Strong Core!

Most people report that a lack of time is the number one reason they don’t exercise on a regular basis. Well, most can’t use that excuse anymore as many are looking for things to occupy their time during our Stay-at-Home order. What if I told you that if you gave me just three minutes, three…

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50 Days for 50 Years

Soon I’ll be turning 50 years old. I’ve spent over 30 of those years working as a fitness trainer so I feel like there’s no better way to celebrate my 50th Birthday than a 50-day ‘Shape up with Sherri’ challenge. All I’m asking is for you to give me 50 days of clean eating and…

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September Shred

Kids are back to school and now it’s back to YOU! Summer vacations are over, school is back in session and many are ready to make their health and fitness a priority!  Take advantage of this natural tendency to turn over a new leaf, so to speak, and commit to these simple 10 tips to…

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