Category: Outdoor Workouts

Baby, It’s Hot Outside!

Summer’s sweltering heat can sabotage even the most committed exercise enthusiast’s workout plans. But don’t let the blazing sun deter you! With the right strategies, you can stay active, safe, and motivated even when the temperature soars. Don’t forget to sign up under “Weekly Fitness Tips” to automatically receive my latest blog post in your…

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Bootcamps For Health

The weather is warm, the sun is shining and the days are long. That’s a wonderful recipe for getting outdoors for your workouts. We are so fortunate in Clark County to be home to so many parks, trails and outdoor spaces thanks to the Parks Foundation for Clark County.  Ideas For Your Outdoor Workouts Park…

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ROCK Your Workouts

No matter if you are camping, hiking, at the beach or just in your backyard, you can give yourself an incredible muscle conditioning workout with just rocks! If you can’t get to the gym or away from your home workout area, it doesn’t mean your workouts have to take a sabbatical. So, no excuses, you…

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Pump Your Muscles and Heart with Outdoor Workouts

Since the risk for exposure to Covid-19 is lower outdoors, many people are opting for outdoor workouts. Fortunately, the weather is cooperating making exercising outside more enjoyable. Here is a workout that you can do outdoors that involves both cardio-respiratory and muscle conditioning exercise. The program alternates between periods of running or walking and resistance…

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Get Outside For Your Health

No school, people are working from home and we can’t actually go anywhere and do anything. Everything is virtual and many are opting to place all their orders online and have all their household needs delivered so there’s no reason to leave your home. Some people are literally stuck indoors all day and that is…

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Managing Your Stress During The Coronavirus Scare

People are very stressed out right now with the Coronovirus pandemic. People are worried about getting sick and/or infecting their older loved ones or those at-risk with a compromised immune system. In addition, you have businesses struggling to figure out how to offset the massive losses in revenues and whether they will survive. You have…

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