Category: inspiration

Change Your Identity to Change Your Health

One of the biggest obstacles to achieving long-term health and fitness success is mindset. Many people struggle with consistency in their workouts and nutrition, not because they lack willpower, but because they still identify with their old habits and behaviors. If nothing changes, nothing changes! Change your identity to change your health. To truly transform…

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Holiday Fitness Challenges

The holidays are busy and sometimes stressful with decorating, shopping, get-togethers, dinners, and festivities, so it’s easy to understand why people have a hard time committing to their fitness and health plan every December. But, we shouldn’t take a holiday from the commitment to our health. Instead, understand that working out is part of your…

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The Health Issues With Being Too Comfortable

Labor saving devices and the comforts of the modern world that are supposed to be making our lives easier are actually causing disease, early deaths and mental health issues. Michael Easter, author of “The Comfort Crisis: Embrace Discomfort to Reclaim your Wild, Happy, Healthy Self” explores our current relationship with and ability to manage discomfort….

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Increasing Life Expectancy by Learning from Blue Zones

The final episode in the Netflix Series “Live to 100 – Secrets of the Blue Zones” asks whether we can change our future based on the wisdom gained from the Blue Zones. These unique pockets where a high concentration of Centenarians exist provide a template for the rest of us to consider our lifestyles and…

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Making Workouts Fun – Exercise Doesn’t Need To Be A Pain!

Most people can’t find the motivation to start exercising. They wonder how others can find any joy in burpees, running, pushups, squats or yoga. Many who do find the inspiration to exercise, find it a chore and can’t wait until it’s over.  The key to sticking to any fitness program is finding an activity that…

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