Tag: strength training

What’s the Best Exercise to Get Fit Fast?

What’s better to maximize fitness and fat loss – is it cardio, muscle or both? What cardio exercise brings the best results – is it cycling, rowing, running, swimming, hiking or something else? What muscle conditioning workouts enhance overall fitness best – is it Bootcamp classes, Barre, Yoga, Pilates or traditional weight training? Is High…

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Lift Heavy Things

We have discussed in lengths the benefits of strength training and now, a recent study in May, published in the FASEB journal from the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology, provides further evidence for picking up some weights. The study results suggest that weight training changes the internal biochemistry of our cells to promote…

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Pool Workouts

With the excessive heat we’ve been experiencing, many exercisers are turning to the water for their workouts. Water fitness can improve muscle strength and endurance, flexibility and cardiovascular health, decrease body fat, improve circulation, help rehabilitate injuries, and even enhance sports skills. In addition, water fitness is a lot of fun and if you participate…

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Fit(ish) in Your 40s – Week 3

We have been reviewing tips for getting healthy and fit during various decades of your life and this week, we tackle staying fitish in your 40s, a time when many of us start to experience the effects of aging. The series is called Fit (ish) and we collaborated with Brenda Braxton from KGW News to…

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Fit(ish) in Your 30s – Week 2

Last week, we reviewed fitness tips for the 20 somethings. With each decade there are typically new challenges and opportunities. Today, Brenda Braxton and trainer Alicia Rose focus on the 30s and the unique needs throughout this decade. The series is called Fit (ish) and the premise behind the approach is that we all want…

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It’s Time To Get Fit(ish) – Week 1

We collaborated with Brenda Braxton and KGW to host a fitness series to help viewers get moving and get in better shape whether they are in their 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s, 60s or beyond. Each decade presents new challenges and opportunities, and we’ll break those down and provide our community a couple takeaways you can…

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What’s the Bare Minimum to Maintain Fitness?

It is true that if “you don’t use it, you lose it”. Fitness is transient. The unfortunate reality is that the training benefits gained from an exercise program will be lost if the program is discontinued. Exercise must be a regular component of one’s lifestyle to reap the benefits. There is no finish line. Fitness…

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Heart Health

February is a great month to remind ourselves of the importance of cardiovascular fitness and heart health. Regular cardio exercise is critical for the strength of your heart, the regulation of blood pressure and blood cholesterol, the management of stress and depression, brain health and the prevention of weight gain and obesity. A solid cardio…

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2021 Reset

If there’s one thing that 2020 taught us, it’s the importance of overall health. Most people gain a bit of weight during the holidays and add in a global pandemic and a lockdown with people eating more and participating in less physical activity, it’s easy to see why people might be ready for a reset…

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