More than two-thirds of adults are considered overweight or obese causing significant health concerns and a dramatic strain on our healthcare system. Until recently, the efforts to treat obesity in an effective manner have failed. With the development of anti-obesity drugs such as Ozempic, there has been a significant step in addressing the obesity epidemic….
Spring Reset
The spring season offers a perfect opportunity to hit the reset button and embrace a fresh mindset towards our health and well-being. Spring signifies renewal. It’s a time to shake off the cobwebs of inactivity and reinvigorate ourselves with newfound energy and purpose. Spring beckons us outdoors with its longer days and warmer temperatures. Whether…
Stand Up For Your Health
One of the best actions you can take for your overall health is to avoid sitting for extended periods of time. Research has shown that regularly getting up out of your seat can burn 32% more calories than remaining seated and studies confirm people who gain weight, move 2.25 less hours per day. Another study…
Understanding Metabolism
Your metabolism refers to all the chemical reactions that occur within your body that keep you alive. It involves the breakdown of food into energy that the body needs to survive. It is the energy required to breathe, digest food, circulate blood, move, repair tissues and cells and for all organs to function. Our basal…
Fat Versus Fit
An important question to ask is whether skinny and unfit is more healthy than fat and fit. One researcher, Dr. Steven Blair and his colleagues at the Cooper Fitness Institute, conducted a large fitness study focusing on this exact question. They recruited over 25,000 men and more than 7,000 women ages 20-88. Subjects were followed…
Why Does Body Composition Matter?
What weighs more, a pound of fat or a pound of muscle? That’s a trick question because a pound is a pound, so a pound of muscle is the same weight as a pound of fat. The difference is a pound of fat takes up more space in your body and is larger than a…
Fit or Fat
If you’ve been exercising and haven’t lost any weight, do you still experience health benefits? A metanalysis study published in September 2021 in iScience examined hundreds of research studies on weight loss and exercise and this study says YES! If you are an obese individual who exercises, you will lower your chances of dying prematurely…
Weight Loss After The Quarantine
It is understandable if you gained some weight during the Stay-at-Home order. We were stressed and there wasn’t much to do. This caused many of us to binge on TV and food. Now that we are getting some sense of normalcy back, many of us are motivated to shed the quarantine-layer. First and foremost, don’t…
Are Carbs Really the Bad Guys?
It seems like everyone is cutting back on carbohydrates making it seem like carbs are not a healthy choice. It’s important to understand the science of nutrition to help you make an educated decision on your nutrition plan. We survive on three primary macro-nutrients which include carbohydrates, protein and fats. All serve a critical function…
Getting To The Finish Line Of Fitness
“Character is the ability to carry out a good resolution long after the excitement of the moment has passed.” — Cavett Robert It’s been a month since the world set their New Year’s Resolutions. Many resolve to make some major changes in our lives. Maybe we’ll decide to start an exercise program, start eating better,…