Tag: strength training

Cleaning Your Cells

Autophagy, derived from the Greek words “auto” (self) and “phagy” (eating), refers to the body’s natural process of cleaning out damaged cells, regenerating newer, healthier cells, and recycling cellular components. This cellular “house cleaning” mechanism occurs in all of our cells and is essential for maintaining cellular homeostasis and overall health. When functioning optimally, autophagy…

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Preserving Muscle While Protecting Joints

I spent the last week teaching at Rancho La Puerta, a Fitness and Wellness Retreat in Mexico, where people go to focus on their physical and mental health, nutrition, and clean living. I taught about the importance of muscle as we age while also protecting our vulnerable joints. The key message: “Muscle is Medicine”! Takeaways:…

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Muscle is Medicine

Muscle is often associated with strength, athletic performance, and appearance. However, the benefits of building and preserving muscle go far beyond looking good and physical power. Muscle is essential to long-term health, contributing to disease prevention, metabolic efficiency, and overall well-being. 10 Reasons Why Building and Preserving Muscle is Critical to Overall Health 1 –…

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Never Miss Leg Day

Having strong legs will positively impact your overall health: Better balance….reducing your risk for falls. Navigate stairs better. Get up off the floor without struggling. Bone density will improve reducing your risk for developing osteoporosis. Joints will be better supported lowering your risk for injury. Also, strong legs look great! For all these reasons, never…

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