Food is comprised of Carbohydrates, Protein and Fats, referred to as your macronutrients, and each is critical to your overall health. The key to achieving results, whether it is weight loss, muscle gain, sports conditioning, improved energy or optimal health, is understanding how much of each macronutrient you should be consuming. Don’t forget to sign…
Boost Your Vaccine!
The CDC is reporting that unvaccinated individuals are 10x more likely to be hospitalized and die from Covid-19. Local hospitals in Clark County are reporting that approximately 90-95% of the patients in our hospitals for Covid-19 are unvaccinated. These stats suggest and health experts agree that getting the vaccine is the most critical step in…
Back to School, Back to YOU!
Kids are back to school so many parents are ready to start focusing on their health and fitness again. It’s a great time to assess your exercise and nutrition plan and establish some goals to improve your overall health. After all, if we’ve learned one thing going through this global pandemic, it’s the importance of…
Simple Ways to Detox Your System
After a period of indulgent living, many people will feel the need to reset and detoxify their system. Detoxification is a process of nourishing, resting and cleansing our body from the inside out. Our body holds the ability to naturally detoxify, however, often may need a little help. If you feel lethargic, bloated, sluggish, have…
Rethinking Holiday Weight Gain
Most people gain weight during the holidays and it’s understandable. We are typically consuming more indulging, caloric-rich foods and drinks. We may be stressed with so much to get done. We may not be moving as much because it’s colder and darker. It’s not uncommon for people to put on 10 pounds during the holiday…
2021 Reset
If there’s one thing that 2020 taught us, it’s the importance of overall health. Most people gain a bit of weight during the holidays and add in a global pandemic and a lockdown with people eating more and participating in less physical activity, it’s easy to see why people might be ready for a reset…
Healthy Eating for the Holidays
Although we won’t be experiencing the same temptations of holiday parties, community events and large family get-togethers this year due to Covid-19, it may be even more challenging to keep our health in check when we’re stuck at home with nothing to do. The last thing we want to do is add onto the ‘Quaran-15’!…
20/20/20 Challenge
It is disheartening that only 5% of Americans get 30 minutes of exercise every day. That means 95% of us are not getting enough exercise to ward off obesity and other health issues. So on August 20, 2020, after seeing all those 20s, we were inspired to start a 20/20/20 challenge at our NW Personal…
Food & Exercise is Medicine!
You will notice there are many reports suggesting that obesity and poor health are high risk factors to not faring well if infected with COVID-19. This information should be a great motivator to prioritizing your health and fitness. Remember that exercise and food is medicine! Your lifestyle is the number one factor that you can…
Why Are You Eating So Late?
One of the worst habits people can get into is eating late at night. Think about it this way. You’re just going to bed. Why do you need all that energy and calories when you’re just sleeping? Generally, when people are eating late at night, their choices aren’t healthy. They may be eating chips or…