Category: weight loss

Anti-Obesity Drugs: Pros and Cons

More than two-thirds of adults are considered overweight or obese causing significant health concerns and a dramatic strain on our healthcare system. Until recently, the efforts to treat obesity in an effective manner have failed. With the development of anti-obesity drugs such as Ozempic, there has been a significant step in addressing the obesity epidemic….

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Better New Years Resolutions

With approximately 70% of our society overweight or obese, many people use January 1st as an incentive to lose weight and get healthy. Although carrying excessive body fat is a major contributing factor to many health issues including Cardiovascular Disease and Diabetes, weight loss as your primary goal may set you up for failure. Stepping on…

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Understanding the Basics of Calories In and Calories Out

As we head into the holiday season of parties, treats and excessive indulging, many people become concerned with the impact on their weight and overall health. It’s helpful to understand the science of caloric intake and calorie output and how the balance impacts whether you lose weight, gain weight or maintain. The term “calorie” is…

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Fit or Fat

If you’ve been exercising and haven’t lost any weight, do you still experience health benefits? A metanalysis study published in September 2021 in iScience examined hundreds of research studies on weight loss and exercise and this study says YES! If you are an obese individual who exercises, you will lower your chances of dying prematurely…

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