When gyms closed due to COVID-19, many exercise enthusiasts got out of their normal workout routine. Now that gyms are reopening, many people are struggling to get back at it. First, remind yourself that your health is extremely important, now more than ever! You need your physical strength, mental health, stress release and a strong…
50 Days for 50 Years
Soon I’ll be turning 50 years old. I’ve spent over 30 of those years working as a fitness trainer so I feel like there’s no better way to celebrate my 50th Birthday than a 50-day ‘Shape up with Sherri’ challenge. All I’m asking is for you to give me 50 days of clean eating and…
One Free Day Is Better Than Striving To Be Perfect!
Many people have great intentions and set New Year’s resolutions to get healthy and start eating better. Many will go on a diet to lose weight but we all know that most diets fail. People typically can’t stay on the diet for the long-term so as soon as they go off the diet, they gain…
Create A Transformational 2019
I have been a Fitness Trainer for over 30 years and I’ve noticed that there are certain things that those who are successful at achieving their goals do on a regular basis First, I’ve learned that people must figure out their ‘why?’ Once there is a will, there is way but without a compelling…
Family Fitness All Summer!
Now that kids are out of school and the weather has shifted to warmer, longer days, you’d think you’d have all the time in the world to workout and get in great shape. But summer can often lead many astray with their fitness ambitions. Sleeping in and technology such as video games, TV and smart phones…
Spring Into Shape For Summer – Week Eleven
“People often become what they believe themselves to be. If I believe I cannot do something, it makes me incapable of doing it. But when I believe I can, then I acquire the ability to do it even if I didn’t have it in the beginning.” Mohandas Gandhi We have two weeks left to our Spring…
5 Tips To Overcoming The Roadblocks
When people set New Years Resolutions, most have great intentions and are extremely zealous but quickly run into roadblocks and eventually fall off the wagon. Soon the motivation fades and many are doomed to set the same resolutions year after year. Every year, if you set a goal, follow a process and then quit, why do…
Rethink How You Approach New Years Resolutions
Last week, we discussed the 4 Most Important Tips to Winning at Fitness. There is one more thing that is critical to achieving any goal that you set and that’s making sure your Mind is Right. Many people start January with solid and positive intentions and resolutions but shortly after, sabotage their own efforts without even…
4 Most Important Tips to Winning at Fitness
HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! It is January 1st and human nature has many of us resolving to make some major changes in our lives. Maybe we’ll decide to start an exercise program, start eating better, quit smoking or lose a substantial amount of weight. Regardless of the goal, have you ever wondered why most people set the…
Mind Games Get You Through a Workout….
….or race! Have you ever struggled to get through a workout? We’ve recently had a number of local athletes complete an Ironman Triathlon which consists of a 2.4 mile swim, 112 mile bike and 26.2 mile run. Can you imagine how mentally tough you need to be to get through the training to prepare you…