An important question to ask is whether skinny and unfit is more healthy than fat and fit. One researcher, Dr. Steven Blair and his colleagues at the Cooper Fitness Institute, conducted a large fitness study focusing on this exact question. They recruited over 25,000 men and more than 7,000 women ages 20-88. Subjects were followed…
Why Does Body Composition Matter?
What weighs more, a pound of fat or a pound of muscle? That’s a trick question because a pound is a pound, so a pound of muscle is the same weight as a pound of fat. The difference is a pound of fat takes up more space in your body and is larger than a…
Measuring Results – Should You Weigh Yourself?
Imagine this scenario. Your doc tells you that you need to focus on your health and lose some weight. You start exercising and eating healthy every day for an entire week. You step onto the scale excited to see your progress, and your weight has not changed or has actually increased! This can be extremely…
Spring Makeover
It is common over the winter months to gain a little weight. The days are cold and dark, and we just don’t get as much activity. It’s one of the reasons that many local fitness clubs and training studios usually launch some type of Spring Weight loss, Cleanse or Makeover Challenge. At our studio, we…
Rethinking Holiday Weight Gain
Most people gain weight during the holidays and it’s understandable. We are typically consuming more indulging, caloric-rich foods and drinks. We may be stressed with so much to get done. We may not be moving as much because it’s colder and darker. It’s not uncommon for people to put on 10 pounds during the holiday…
Weight Loss After The Quarantine
It is understandable if you gained some weight during the Stay-at-Home order. We were stressed and there wasn’t much to do. This caused many of us to binge on TV and food. Now that we are getting some sense of normalcy back, many of us are motivated to shed the quarantine-layer. First and foremost, don’t…
50 Days for 50 Years
Soon I’ll be turning 50 years old. I’ve spent over 30 of those years working as a fitness trainer so I feel like there’s no better way to celebrate my 50th Birthday than a 50-day ‘Shape up with Sherri’ challenge. All I’m asking is for you to give me 50 days of clean eating and…
Daily Doubles To Shred For Summer!
The sun is shining and we’re all starting to get excited for summer! With that comes the realization that we don’t have a ton of time to lean down before we are all sporting bathing suits and minimal clothing. If you’re looking for a way to ramp up your exercise program to shed some winter…
One Free Day Is Better Than Striving To Be Perfect!
Many people have great intentions and set New Year’s resolutions to get healthy and start eating better. Many will go on a diet to lose weight but we all know that most diets fail. People typically can’t stay on the diet for the long-term so as soon as they go off the diet, they gain…
Spring Time Tune-Up
Spring is just around the corner and as the days get longer and the weather gets nicer, it inspires many to ramp things up and do a little health and fitness makeover or Spring Cleaning for your body so to speak. Here’s a few easy tips that you can slowly adopt over the next month…