If you are like most people, you experience a mid-afternoon slump causing a loss in energy and productivity between 2-5pm. If you find yourself relying on coffee, soda, chocolate bars or energy drinks to get you through the afternoon, you’ll be happy to know that there are definite action steps that are much healthier that you…
Gifts For Your Fit Friends
People who exercise regularly are the easiest to buy for because there is always some type of new gadget or the latest and greatest workout gear that they need. Plus even if they already have it, sometimes they get used so much and/or get so stinky, that they will need to upgrade. Here’s a list…
3 Best Full Body Exercises!
Time is of essence! In a one-hour workout, it’s difficult to achieve a proper warm-up, an adequate cardio workout, a challenging strength training segment, some postural exercises and an appropriate cool-down and stretch. How do we fit it all in? Most people want results in the shortest period of time. Who wants to spend 2+ hours…
Working Out When There is Fire All Around
With the recent fires in the Gorge and throughout the Northwest, it feels like we are surrounded by smoke and fires. Many have questioned whether it’s still okay to exercise outdoors with smoke in the air. The Environmental Proection Agency (EPA) has created the Air Quality Index (AQI) to answer that question. This index can tell…
How Do You Make Exercise Fun?!
Most people think exercise is a chore and can’t wait until it’s over. Others can’t even find the motivation to get started and wonder how others can find any joy in Running, Bootcamps or Yoga. The key to sticking to any fitness program is finding an activity that you enjoy enough to do regularly –…
Toning and conditioning muscles — adding order to your workouts
Last week we reviewed a technique for ordering your workouts that provides a very user-friendly way for anyone to design and experience a full body muscle and cardio workout. The response has been great so today, we decided to review some other important guidelines so you can assure each of your muscle conditioning workouts is…
Walk Your Way to Your BEST YOU!!
I recently discovered that one of our Personal Trainers at NW Personal Training, Jolene Nelson, transformed her body and her entire life just by walking! She posted on social media “I lost the weight from walking!!! I would walk on my lunch break, on the weekends, and after work.” Her transformation is absolutely incredible and it…
10 Minute Holiday Workout – Week 1
It can be a major challenge to get to the gym during the holidays between decorating, shopping, parties, and travelling. Well, no need to add to your stress because these 10 minute Holiday workouts will help you improve and maintain your fitness so you’re not starting from scratch in January! Complete 20 reps of each…
Exercise Makes You SMARTER and Improves Your BRAIN HEALTH!
It’s pretty obvious that exercising regularly will improve your physical health including your cardiovascular health, muscular strength and endurance, body composition, bone density, blood pressure, lipid levels and more. But many don’t realize how much exercise improves your mental well-being and the actual functionality of your brain! Recent studies have demonstrated that regular exercise may lower the…
Spring Into Baseball
Baseball, a favorite American summer activity for kids and adults, requires speed, throwing power and batting strength. Try the following exercises to develop your skills in these areas. Medicine Ball Side Tosses: This is a great exercise to develop batting power. Stand sideways to a wall or partner. Hold the medicine ball with both hands…