HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! It is January 1st and human nature has many of us resolving to make some major changes in our lives. Maybe we’ll decide to start an exercise program, start eating better, quit smoking or lose a substantial amount of weight. Regardless of the goal, have you ever wondered why most people set the…
Fat AND Fit
Are you carrying a lot of extra body fat? Although our society as a whole tends to fat-shame, the good news is some evidence suggests that fitness is more important that fatness, as the primary factor in reducing someone’s risk for developing various health problems. The message is this….. …..fitness is very important whether you’re…
Spring Time Tune-Up
Spring is just around the corner and as the days get longer and the weather gets nicer, it inspires many to ramp things up and do a little health and fitness makeover or Spring Cleaning for your body so to speak. Here’s a few easy tips that you can slowly adopt over the next month…
Spring Into Summer Fitness!
Spring is here and summer is just around the corner. This time of year always seems to motivate people to start taking better care of their health. We start to experience some good weather and people head outdoors in swarms walking, hiking, cycling or just playing with their kids at the park. But not only…
Lean in 2016
The holidays are busy and when you’re busy, getting to the gym and staying lean can be a losing battle! Well, here is a winning full body workout that you can complete 2-3x this week on alternating days. It is quick, challenging and will make it very possible to get an amazing workout in your…
Drink a Gallon of Water?
Ever wondered why you are always told to drink lots of fluids? Here is a question I received asking if we should really drink a gallon of water per day! “I just read that we should drink a gallon of water per day to maximize fat loss. Was this a misprint? I picture myself on the restroom…
Struggling to Lose Weight and Keep It Off?
We always have clients that come to us and say that they have been struggling to lose weight and keep it off for a long long time. It doesn’t have to be that way! Here is what I suggest and it really does work! A common client question: I want to lose 20 pounds but have not been able…
The January Fitness Rush
Here are some typical questions that a lot of people have during the January Fitness Rush: My husband and I started a workout program and he is losing so much more fat than I am. We seem to be doing the same amount of exercise and both eating well, but the fat is just falling off him. …
Crazy Fitness Things To Be Thankful For…
It’s the season of Thanksgiving and Holidays when we often take time to reflect on the people and things we are thankful for. I thought I’d take this from a different perspective, a fitness perspective. You may not know this but here are 10 crazy fitness things to be thankful for: The fact that energy creates energy so that…
Spring Makeover Challenge – Week 2
Last week, I shared with you Derrick DeLay’s “Interval Diet” approach to maximizing fat loss during our Spring Makeover challenge. It basically requires you consume a super healthy, low calorie diet Monday through Friday and then eat whatever you want on the weekends in combination with some cardio and weight training. If that approach doesn’t work for…