Labor saving devices and the comforts of the modern world that are supposed to be making our lives easier are actually causing disease, early deaths and mental health issues. Michael Easter, author of “The Comfort Crisis: Embrace Discomfort to Reclaim your Wild, Happy, Healthy Self” explores our current relationship with and ability to manage discomfort….
Increasing Life Expectancy by Learning from Blue Zones
The final episode in the Netflix Series “Live to 100 – Secrets of the Blue Zones” asks whether we can change our future based on the wisdom gained from the Blue Zones. These unique pockets where a high concentration of Centenarians exist provide a template for the rest of us to consider our lifestyles and…
Gentle But Powerful Workouts
The popularity of HIIT, Tabata, CrossFit and other aggressive workout formats sends the message that people need to go hard all the time to see results, but that is far from the truth! We all want to experience life-changing results without leaving the gym feeling beat up and suffering chronic injuries to the knees, back…
Stand Up For Your Health
One of the best actions you can take for your overall health is to avoid sitting for extended periods of time. Research has shown that regularly getting up out of your seat can burn 32% more calories than remaining seated and studies confirm people who gain weight, move 2.25 less hours per day. Another study…
20 Minutes Per Day
A new 2023 study released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that only 28% of Americans are getting the recommended amount of daily physical activity. That’s less than 1/3 of us! The recommended benchmarks by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services is to spend at least 150 minutes per week…
10 Things NOT to Do in 2023 For Your Health!
As a fitness trainer, we often focus on what you should be doing to improve your overall health. Here’s a list of what you should NOT be doing if your goal is optimal fitness and conditioning! 1 – Don’t focus on cardio When people initiate a health and fitness program, they often start with cardio….
Music Motivates
If you’re hoping to stick with your workouts this year, music may help you achieve that goal. Benefits of listening to music while exercising: Motivation It’s true that sometimes you just don’t feel like working out, even though you know it’s good for you. When you’re lacking motivation, have a go-to song or playlist that…
Countdown To 2023
In a few weeks, we’ll all be celebrating and toasting into the New Year. If you’re serious about your health and fitness, I encourage you not to wait until January 1st to focus on your physical and mental health. Why not start right now, so you can launch into 2023 with a head start?! With…
Understanding Metabolism
Your metabolism refers to all the chemical reactions that occur within your body that keep you alive. It involves the breakdown of food into energy that the body needs to survive. It is the energy required to breathe, digest food, circulate blood, move, repair tissues and cells and for all organs to function. Our basal…
Progressing Your Pushup
Regardless of age or fitness level, we could all benefit from the ability to push against and support our own body weight. In fact, longevity has been linked to our ability to transition from the floor to a standing position which involves the ability to push. Pushups, a standard upper body exercise, work many muscles…