Tag: nutrition

Understanding the Basics of Calories In and Calories Out

As we head into the holiday season of parties, treats and excessive indulging, many people become concerned with the impact on their weight and overall health. It’s helpful to understand the science of caloric intake and calorie output and how the balance impacts whether you lose weight, gain weight or maintain. The term “calorie” is…

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Intuitive Eating

The Holiday Season is a wonderful time filled with family, friends, good times, and great foods. Many find themselves stressing over how holiday goodies may affect their health and fitness goals. This is the perfect time to practice the principles of intuitive eating. The first step is to understand we eat because we’re hungry, but…

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Practical Tips to Living Long and Healthy

Over the last 4 weeks, we’ve learned 4 General Themes for how to live long and healthy based on areas where high concentrations of Centenarians live in Japan, Italy, Greece, and Costa Rica. How Does That Correlate to Vancouver WA, USA?! 1. Increase Unconscious Movement People who live in Blue Zones experience a vast amount…

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Increasing Life Expectancy by Learning from Blue Zones

The final episode in the Netflix Series “Live to 100 – Secrets of the Blue Zones” asks whether we can change our future based on the wisdom gained from the Blue Zones. These unique pockets where a high concentration of Centenarians exist provide a template for the rest of us to consider our lifestyles and…

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Sugar Cleanse

Sugar may be the new smoking! In a large review of 73 meta-analyses — which included 8,601 studies — high consumption of added sugar was associated with significantly higher risks of 45 negative health outcomes, including diabetes, gout, obesity, high blood pressure, heart attack, stroke, cancer, asthma, tooth decay, depression and early death.  Sugar addiction…

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