We are entering the last quarter of 2020 so as we wind down the year, it’s a great opportunity to reflect on the last nine months. Recap It’s a great drill to grab a piece of paper and answer the following questions: What are the highlights of the last nine months? What were the struggles…
Fifty & Fit
Having recently turned 50 years old, it reminded me how important it is for all menopausal women to understand what’s going on in our bodies and do what we can to prevent, reverse or minimize any negative symptoms. It’s also important to note that the entire process can take up to 20 years for some…
Where’s The Disconnect? We All Know We Should Be Exercising But Don’t…
The evidence is clear and conclusive. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), chronic diseases, such as heart disease, stroke and cancer, are among the most common and often preventable of all health problems in the United States. Each year, chronic diseases cause 7 of 10 deaths among…
Getting Back to Workouts
When gyms closed due to COVID-19, many exercise enthusiasts got out of their normal workout routine. Now that gyms are reopening, many people are struggling to get back at it. First, remind yourself that your health is extremely important, now more than ever! You need your physical strength, mental health, stress release and a strong…
Remember Your WHY!
Gyms, yoga studios and pools are closed. Running and Triathlon races cancelled. It is easy to understand why you may start to lose your motivation to workout. The key to maintaining your commitment is to remember your ‘WHY’. Why do you work out? Why do you race? When you dig deep into your motivation, you’ll…
Workouts When You’re Stuck at Home!
We are cooped up and stressed out! What we need now more than ever is exercise to improve our physical strength, mental health, reduce our stress and help develop our immune system. But if you can’t leave the house, what can you do? Great news is that there are literally hundreds of exercises you can…
Are You Staying Up With The Fitness Trends?
The American College of Sports Medicine surveyed 3000 health and fitness pros to determine the top fitness trends for 2020. If you’re in a rut with your fitness routine, perhaps you need to try one of these hot trends! Wearable Technology Wearable technology was again the #1 trend and includes smart watches, fitness trackers,…
Getting To The Finish Line Of Fitness
“Character is the ability to carry out a good resolution long after the excitement of the moment has passed.” — Cavett Robert It’s been a month since the world set their New Year’s Resolutions. Many resolve to make some major changes in our lives. Maybe we’ll decide to start an exercise program, start eating better,…
Fitness Trivia to Motivate
As we approach the New Year, we often to take time to reflect on the highlights of the last year, the people and things we are thankful for and look forward to an amazing New Year. Before you set your goals for 2020, this list may remind you why committing to a healthy and fit…
September Shred
Kids are back to school and now it’s back to YOU! Summer vacations are over, school is back in session and many are ready to make their health and fitness a priority! Take advantage of this natural tendency to turn over a new leaf, so to speak, and commit to these simple 10 tips to…