Dear Clients, Friends and Family, Next Monday is Valentine’s Day. In honor of this special day, I am going to launch a ‘Love Yourself’ fitness program. Every week, I will provide you with exercise and nutrition tips and live video clips that you can follow along with anywhere – home, work, hotel… To help you…
1 month since New Year’s Resolutions – Exercise Intervention!
“Character is the ability to carry out a good resolution long after the excitement of the moment has passed.” — Cavett Robert It’s been one month since many of us set a New Year’s Resolution. It’s a great time to analyze and assess your performance so far. Are you on track? If not, it’s time…
The best thing we can do for our kids!
If you have kids, you’ve got to help them learn to love to move their bodies and eat well at an early age. Then it will be easy to continue as they get older! I had the opportunity to work with some Vancouver kids today to teach them that working out and eating healthy can…
When was the last time you saw a guy in a wheelchair Bungee Jump?
We place our own limits on ourselves. When I lived in Vancouver BC, I had the fortunate honor to be Rick Hansen’s Trainer – the man who wheeled around the world raising millions of dollars for spinal cord research. He told me once he had to decide to focus on the 1000 things he couldn’t…
When was the last time you had Geese chasing you?!
Happy Monday! I just finished presenting at the fabulous CanFitPro fitness conference in Vancouver BC. I often hear from clients that they have a hard time keeping up with their fitness routine when they travel. I always explain to them that if you want something bad enough, if your health and fitness is really that…
Missing a Workout is so much more than Missing a Workout!
Consider how much discipline it takes to workout three to five days a week. Think about how hard it is to keep stretching beyond our comfort zones and how challenging it is to exercise at high intensities. Consider the self-resolve required to eat healthy foods and drink lots of water every day when temptations surround…
4 Tips to a Achieving your Dream Life
I just returned from IDEA, a convention in California for Health professionals from all over the world. I attended the keynote with Matt Weinstein, a motivational speaker and author. He said the problem with all the self help books is that they’re too hard to remember – the 8 secrets, the 7 Habits etc…So he’s…
By challenging yourself, you challenge others!
“Do something everyday that scares or challenges you!” I love this photo of my friend Tamara as she jumps off a 20 ft cliff into Crater Lake. She inspired me to jump shortly after – a big accomplishment since I’m crazy scared of heights. That’s how inspiration works. Someone sees someone else do something cool…
I was wrong…
I used to say “Use the Scale and Plan to Fail”. I’ve seen so many people get so discouraged by a scale reading even when they were doing everything right. So I would often tell clients not to get on the scale or to limit it to monthly to avoid any issues. But research now…
Staying consistent during the summer holidays.
Dear Clients & Friends, I’ve had so many clients tell me they’re having a really hard time with workout consistency now that the kids are home from school and they are out of their routine. I have written some previous posts to give you some ideas on how to make sure you still get your…