Having recently turned 50 years old, it reminded me how important it is for all menopausal women to understand what’s going on in our bodies and do what we can to prevent, reverse or minimize any negative symptoms. It’s also important to note that the entire process can take up to 20 years for some…
Focus On Your Staples For The Summer
Most people find themselves very busy in the summer between kids being home from school, vacations, camping, BBQs and get-togethers. This can cause even the most die-hard fitness enthusiasts to get out of their normal, consistent routine causing their fitness to suffer. But if you….. …..focus on the staple movements, those that give you the…
Super Effective Workout Programming
When people workout on their own, they often have no idea which exercises to incorporate in their program and how to sequence them. They often wander aimlessly through the gym with no real method or rationale to their exercise session. This can lead to poor results and a lot of wasted time. Instead put purpose…