Spring Makeover Challenge – Week 3

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There are a lot of different ways to achieve the same results.  That’s why during our annual Spring Makeover Challenge, our trainers and their teams compete against each other to see who can shed the greatest amount of body fat in 6 weeks using different approaches.

So far in this series, I’ve shared with you 2 different approaches to maximizing weight loss. You can review week 1 HERE and week 2 HERE…..and decide to either adopt one specific approach or try different plans and experiment to see which approach works best for you.

trevorToday, I am sharing with you Trevor Thomas’s approach to fast and effective fat loss. Trevor has been awarded NWPT Personal Trainer of the year, is our Assistant Fitness & Training Director, has an Associates Degree and is a National Strength and Conditioning Association Certified Personal Trainer. He is also the Director of our Corporate Wellness Program so he is very experienced at helping really busy people fit workouts and healthy eating into their crazy lives.

Trevor’s 5 Rules for Successful Fat Loss:

  1. Whole Foods
  2. Water, water, and more water
  3. Exercise
  4. Sleep
  5. Live and Learn

Whole Foods: 

  • Nothing processed or pre-prepared
  • Eat produce, lean proteins, beans, grains, legumes and nuts.
  • Do not limit yourself on fruits and vegetables, but ensure veggies out-number fruits.
  • Eat every 3hrs to keep your metabolism revving.
  • Carbs around breakfast and post exercise and lean and green all other times.


  • Half of your body weight in ounces every day. For each hour of exercise, consume an additional 20 ounces.
  • 8-12oz when you wake up, 8-12oz before each meal


  • Minimum 150 min cardio per week, 2 days intense
  • 2 strength days per week.
  • Find a weekly structure you can manage!
Full Body Strength+ 30 min Steady Cardio 45 min Cardio Push Active Rest and Food Prep 45 min Cardio Push Full Body Strength+ 30 min Steady Cardio 45 min steady cardio Active Rest and Food Prep


  • 8hr is crucial!  Cortisol, the hormone released during stress that is detrimental to metabolism, is controlled and reduced during sleep.  Leptin, responsible for suppressing hunger, and Grehlin which stimulates appetite, are adversely affected during lack of sleep.
  • Sleep is when we recover, grow stronger, and recharge.

Live and Learn!

  • My challenge to you is to never do this challenge again!
  • Nutrition Tracking –The more you know, the more we can change!
    • If you would like to track your nutrition:Create an account HERE

Yours in Health & Fitness,

Sherri McMillan

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