New Year Resolution Solutions

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Well, now that the Christmas rush is over, many of us have begun to turn our attention to the New Year. Typically, at the end of a calendar year, people will look back at the previous year and assess the highs and lows, the accomplishments they’ve achieved and the things they wanted to do but never got around to. Generally, we’ll examine aspects of our lives that we’d like to do better next year and establish personal goals for making those changes.

For many it might be weight loss, starting an exercise program, quitting smoking, healthy eating, climbing the corporate ladder, spending more time with your kids…Whatever it is, at this time of year many of us get motivated to pursue our dreams for the life we want to live.

Did you make promises last year that you didn’t keep? My guess is that you did because 80 percent of people set the same New Year’s resolutions year after year and within a few months, most have thrown in the towel on their original ambitions. With that kind of failure rate, I’m convinced that it’s not a problem with the person but rather the process.

I’ve been in the fitness industry helping people look and feel better and live life to the fullest for over 20 years and I can tell you this, most people set themselves up for failure before the clock even strikes midnight! Regardless of the goal, have you ever wondered why?

Most people attempt to do too much too quickly. They don’t do any planning and they have no idea how to monitor their progress. Your chances for success will improve dramatically, however, if you break the process into a few simple steps. Click on the link below and review some common resolutions and how you might approach them differently this year:

Yours in health and fitness,

Sherri McMillan


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