Consider how much discipline it takes to workout three to five days a week. Think about how hard it is to keep stretching beyond our comfort zones and how challenging it is to exercise at high intensities. Consider the self-resolve required to eat healthy foods and drink lots of water every day when temptations surround…
Here are your next 3 Muscle Conditioning Exercises you can do anywhere!
Today is Day 2 of your Pumping Nothing workout. Remember, your body is the BEST piece of equipment ever and you can keep it strong, fit and conditioned with absolutely no equipment whatsoever! Review yesterday’s posts for more tips. Here are the next three exercises to add to your Pumping Nothing Muscle-conditioning workout. Try about…
4 Tips to a Achieving your Dream Life
I just returned from IDEA, a convention in California for Health professionals from all over the world. I attended the keynote with Matt Weinstein, a motivational speaker and author. He said the problem with all the self help books is that they’re too hard to remember – the 8 secrets, the 7 Habits etc…So he’s…
By challenging yourself, you challenge others!
“Do something everyday that scares or challenges you!” I love this photo of my friend Tamara as she jumps off a 20 ft cliff into Crater Lake. She inspired me to jump shortly after – a big accomplishment since I’m crazy scared of heights. That’s how inspiration works. Someone sees someone else do something cool…
I was wrong…
I used to say “Use the Scale and Plan to Fail”. I’ve seen so many people get so discouraged by a scale reading even when they were doing everything right. So I would often tell clients not to get on the scale or to limit it to monthly to avoid any issues. But research now…
Fitness Bucket List
I’d like to encourage you to complete a Fitness Bucket Wish-List…all the fitness related adventures you’d like to do before you die. And then start training for one of these events and/or adventures. Many people take this approach – ‘As soon as I lose the weight/get fit, then I’ll start doing the things I’ve always…
Does stress make you fat?
My fat loss blogs have sparked a lot of questions and interest. Here’s one question that I thought I’d share with all of you. I think many of you can probably relate. “I read that it’s hard to lose weight when you’re stressed out. If that’s true, that would explain a lot in my life….
Part 2 – Fat Loss: Safely, Effectively and Permanently
Okay, so I hope I didn’t keep you in suspense all weekend! Here are the last 5 tips to achieving your fat loss goals. For those of you who have been successful fat losers, please add comments at the end. The more tips from those who know what works, the better! #6: Practice the 80:20…
Fat Loss: Safely, Effectively and Permanently
As a Personal Trainer, the number one request I get from clients is fat loss. Since I received a lot of emails after my last post on high intensity versus low intensity exercise and how that translates to fat loss, I’m going to stay on this topic and cover the Top 10 things you can…
What’s the best method for burning fat – long & slow or short & fast?
A number of years ago, you may remember many fitness professionals prescribing lower intensity activity to maximize fat loss. Many fit people lowered the intensity of their workouts fearful that they were not burning fat. Unfortunately, they were misled and many people still believe that low intensity activity is the best way to maximize fat…