Shape Up with Sherri

Supermans Should Be a Staple Exercise

The prone opposite arm/leg lift, commonly known as the “Superman” exercise, should be an exercise staple for all of us and here’s why:  Strengthens the Core This exercise targets our glutes, hamstrings and our back muscles along both sides of the spine which are essential for maintaining proper posture and supporting the spine. Strong core…

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5 of The Worst Exercises

Not all exercises are created equal. While some boost your fitness, strengthen your body and help to keep you injury-free, others can do more harm than good. Don’t forget to sign up under “Weekly Fitness Tips” to automatically receive my latest blog post in your inbox! 5 Exercises That Might Be Better Left Out Of…

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Baby, It’s Hot Outside!

Summer’s sweltering heat can sabotage even the most committed exercise enthusiast’s workout plans. But don’t let the blazing sun deter you! With the right strategies, you can stay active, safe, and motivated even when the temperature soars. Don’t forget to sign up under “Weekly Fitness Tips” to automatically receive my latest blog post in your…

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Testosterone for Women? The Benefits & Risks

We previously discussed Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) for men. It may be surprising to learn that many women are now taking testosterone as part of their health plan too. Though commonly associated with male physiology, testosterone is found naturally within women and is the most abundant active sex steroid in women throughout the female lifespan….

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Testosterone Replacement Therapy for Men: The Benefits & Risks

Recently, I have learned that many male friends and colleagues are taking Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT). This prompted me to research the potential benefits and risks and host a workshop where men in our community could access more information and have their questions answered (see workshop details below). There can be a stigma with testosterone…

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10 Healthy Snacks to Curb Any Craving

Snacking is often seen as the enemy of a healthy diet, but it doesn’t have to be. The key is to choose snacks that are both nutritious and satisfying. 10 healthy snacks that can curb any craving, whether you’re in the mood for something sweet, salty, crunchy, or creamy   1 – Greek Yogurt with…

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Stop Running Red Lights on Your Fitness Journey!

In the pursuit of fitness and wellness, mistakes and missed goals are inevitable. Whether it’s skipping a workout, indulging in an unhealthy meal, or not hitting a personal best, these slip-ups can be disheartening. However, it’s crucial to remember that one mistake does not mean you should give up entirely. Imagine if, after accidentally running…

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Working Out Is Like Brushing Your Teeth

I was teaching at a resort recently and I asked one of the guests if he would like to participate in my fitness class. His response was “No way. I’m on vacation!” I found that to be an odd, although common, response because we should not take a vacation from our health and moving our…

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Health Tests – What’s the Bare Minimum?

It’s important to work closely with your physician to regularly monitor critical health metrics. There are an unlimited number of tests that can be ordered and reviewed so it can easily become overwhelming to know what to focus on. Here is a list of the bare minimum, key metrics you should monitor and discuss with…

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