Summer QuickFix 10 Minute Workout – Week Two

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Here’s your second 10 minute QuickFix workout that you can use this summer when you can’t make it to the gym. I’ve designed each workout so that you can do it anywhere with NO EQUIPMENT and therefore NO EXCUSES!

Week 1 QuickFix Workout

Complete each of these 3 exercises for one minute each with a 30 second rest at the end of each of the 3 exercises. Then do it again 2 more times for a total of 10 minutes. Remember to take a few minutes to warm-up and cool-down. We can all commit to 10 minutes to focus on our health and fitness. And if you focus for 10 minutes, you’ll be surprised at what a fabulous workout it can be! Follow along with this series and you’ll get a number of 10 minute QuickFix options so that you can mix it up and do a different set each time!

10 Minute QuickFix Workout:

Warmup first.


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jumpropeImagine you are holding a skipping rope and skip for 1 minute. Bonus if you complete with an actual skipping rope! Feel free to keep it low impact and instead of jumping, just walk your feet quickly on the spot while moving your arms as if you are holding a jump rope.

All Fours Knee Drops

kneedropkneedrops2Position yourself on your hands and knees with your hands underneath your shoulders and your knees under your hips. Keep your spine elongated and your core strong as you slowly lift and lower your knees a few inches. This can be a quad burner! Continue for 1 minute but feel free to take breaks as needed.

Breast Stroke

breaststrokeBreaststroke2breaststroke3Lie on your stomach and keep your abdominal muscles contracted throughout the entire exercise as you slowly lift your chest up off the floor while mimicking a breast stroke (reach forward with your arms and pull towards the side). Focus on elongating the spine versus lifting high and do not force your range of motion. Continue for 1 minute. Feel free to take breaks as needed or do just one arm at a time while supporting with the other arm.

30 second recovery and then complete 2 more times for 10 minutes total full body workout

Yours in Health & Fitness,
Sherri McMillan


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32ND ANNUAL MIDSUMMER TRIATHLON & DUATHLON July 31st – Blue Lake – Fairview, OR The event offers three distances to choose from (Olympic, Sprint and Novice) for the sport of Triathlon, Duathlon and AquaBike. The flat and fast course with little to no traffic warm water and a beautiful start/finish venue make the Mid-Summer event an ideal race to put on your calendar! 

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