Shape Up with Sherri

Exercise isn’t supposed to be painful!

Dear clients, friends and family, An effective exercise program does not need to be painful. In fact, there is no study to date that has found extreme muscle soreness indicates a good workout and yet, so many people gauge the intensity of a workout by how stiff they are the next day. Most of us…

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When is the best time to do abdominal exercises?

Is it better to do abdominal exercises before or after a workout? A.M., Vancouver, WA Actually, there are pros and cons to both. Performing abdominal exercises before a workout will help to warm-up and prepare the core/abdominal muscles for the actual workout which will involve these muscles in some manner. However, you must be careful…

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Use your head to get results…

Did you know that Neuromuscular Facilitation can really make your workouts a lot more effective? Neuromuscular what? Neuromuscular facilitation is just a fancy term for Muscle Smart or teaching your muscles to contract more effectively. You see, your muscles are under direct control from your nervous system. In order for your muscles to work, a…

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Important Tips for Indoor Cardio Training

Dear clients, friends and family, Since the weather in most of the country requires many of us to be exercising indoors at this time of year, I thought I’d provide some tips on Indoor Cardio training. I hope this gives you some good ideas. • The American College of Sports Medicine recommends a frequency of…

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Vegan Challenge is over!

Dear clients, friends and family, Well, I did it. One full month of no meat, dairy or eggs. I honestly didn’t want to do the challenge but it’s amazing what a little peer pressure will make you do. And I’m super glad I did it. Here’s the final assessment and what I learned… 1. I…

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The problem with nutrition…

Dear Clients, Friends & Family, Do you ever feel like this – the more you know, the more you realize you don’t know? I often feel like that about nutrition. There is so much information out there and so much conflicting good research that it’s sometimes difficult to know exactly what to eat. This poem…

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My positive and negative report…

Dear Clients, Friends and Family, When you have some time, sit down and watch this clip on the keys to living long and healthy. There are some great tips! I also wanted to share some of the resources that many of you have sent to me throughout this Vegan challenge.…

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Here are lots of great recipes for you…

Dear clients, friends and family. Still going strong on the Vegan Challenge… I have received so many Vegan recipes from all of you and I was thinking that the most efficient way to share that information would be to post these recipes to our Website in our Client Zone. We post various articles on a…

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What does our Registered Dietitian eat?

Dear Clients, Family and Friends, I wasn’t able to blog all weekend…just too busy. After this month, I’ll probably drop back to blogging just twice per week. I think that’s realistic for me and easier for you to digest too. I attended a Blogging Seminar and they challenged us to blog everyday as the best…

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