Here are lots of great recipes for you…

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Dear clients, friends and family.

Still going strong on the Vegan Challenge…

I have received so many Vegan recipes from all of you and I was thinking that the most efficient way to share that information would be to post these recipes to our Website in our Client Zone. We post various articles on a number of different topics relating to exercise, health, fitness and nutrition. One of the sections is for recipes. You’ll find all kinds of ideas for eating healthy in this section – whether you’re trying the Vegan challenge or not. It’s a great resource for you so be sure to check it out. Remember Knowledge + Action = RESULTS!

I haven’t been sharing my daily nutrition lately because I was recognizing that my daily food intake doesn’t vary much day to day. But that’s just me – I wouldn’t necessarily recommend that for everyone. I just keep things in the kitchen pretty simple and consistent. My daily logs weren’t providing any additional information that could help you so I decided to cut back the daily reports so I don’t overload you.

I did try something new, super easy and yummy today for lunch. So I took a Whole Wheat burrito shell and spread some SoyNut Butter on it and then cut up a banana over top and rolled it up. Loved it and I bet your kids would love it too!

Listen to this interesting workout experiment I tried. Wednesday nights I’ve been doing Hot Yoga. I weighed myself before the Yoga class and then again after the Yoga class. Guess how many pounds I lost in a 90 minute Yoga class – 3 lbs! Can you believe it?! That’s a lot of weight. But it’s all water weight and you’ll put it right back on again but isn’t that fascinating. I do like the heat – but I’m one who is often cold so the heat feels really good to my body. Hot Yoga is definitely not for everyone – people getting dizzy and almost passing out all around me – and that my friends is not healthy!

Stay healthy and happy,

Sherri McMillan

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