Shape Up with Sherri

Staying consistent during the summer holidays.

Dear Clients & Friends, I’ve had so many clients tell me they’re having a really hard time with workout consistency now that the kids are home from school and they are out of their routine. I have written some previous posts to give you some ideas on how to make sure you still get your…

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A huge congratulations to all of our clients who participated in the Summer Solstice 6 mile run/walk

Our Summer Solstice event was a huge hit! Check out the video clip above. I hope it inspires you to join us next year! It’s pretty amazing how awesome you feel when you cross the finish line! Cut and paste the link below into your browser for an event recap. You still have time…

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No Excuse for Excuses…

If you’re a consistent exerciser and never struggle with sticking to it, you can skip today’s blog. But if you’re like most people, and let work, the kids and other responsibilities get in the way, read for some tips on how to overcome these obstacles so you have the energy for work, kids and other…

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What to do when you conflict?

Yesterday on my morning run, I saw the oddest thing. This man was riding his bike while smoking a cigarette. My first thought was “What an interesting combination!” It made me think that many of us may have conflicting behaviors that don’t align with our ultimate vision for our lives. For example, maybe you exercise…

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What will you do?

“A healthy body is a guest-chamber for the soul; a sick body is a prison..” F.B. If your body truly hosts your soul, what will you do this week so it functions at it’s best?…

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