Shape Up with Sherri

Fifty & Fit

Having recently turned 50 years old, it reminded me how important it is for all menopausal women to understand what’s going on in our bodies and do what we can to prevent, reverse or minimize any negative symptoms. It’s also important to note that the entire process can take up to 20 years for some…

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Mall Walking

2020 is definitely making it difficult to stay focused on your health and fitness. Between a global pandemic and now forest fires making the air quality hazardous, it’s challenging to figure out where to go and what to do to get your workout in. Running, biking, hiking and walking outdoors have not been recommended for…

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20/20/20 Challenge

It is disheartening that only 5% of Americans get 30 minutes of exercise every day. That means 95% of us are not getting enough exercise to ward off obesity and other health issues. So on August 20, 2020, after seeing all those 20s, we were inspired to start a 20/20/20 challenge at our NW Personal…

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Workout Smarter, Not Harder!

Lack of time is the number one reason people report for struggling with sticking to an exercise program. Add in COVID-19 safety protocols that require additional time and effort to enforce, business owners working harder than they ever have to survive, and virtual, online learning, and it’s not hard to understand that people are having…

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Bedtime Exercise

People’s cortisol levels, the stress hormone, are off the charts. Everyone is stressed due to Covid-19 for different reasons. Are the kids going back to school or at they not? If they are, what does that look like? If they aren’t, how are we going to manage that? Am I going back to work? If…

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Chair Exercise

With so many of us working from home in less-than-ideal ergonomics and many feeling a sense of stress and anxiety due to Covid-19, a quick and easy movement routine that you can do at your desk can be a life-changer. This 10-minute plan can help minimize aches and pains, reduce tightness, improve circulation, get your…

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Pump Your Muscles and Heart with Outdoor Workouts

Since the risk for exposure to Covid-19 is lower outdoors, many people are opting for outdoor workouts. Fortunately, the weather is cooperating making exercising outside more enjoyable. Here is a workout that you can do outdoors that involves both cardio-respiratory and muscle conditioning exercise. The program alternates between periods of running or walking and resistance…

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Booty Blast

Many of us have been resorting to at-home workouts during COVID-19, and the good news is that there are literally hundreds of exercises that you can do from home with little to no equipment. The best program for strengthening and sculpting any area is to incorporate a variety of exercises that challenge the muscles in…

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