Tips To Curb Your Cravings

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We’ve all been there. We get a craving for chips. We can’t stop thinking about ice cream. We’d do anything for a chocolate chip cookie. We tend to crave ‘junk foods’ that are high in sugar, salt and/or fat. People don’t typically crave tuna sandwiches! Cravings are difficult to manage and can often sabotage someone’s health and fitness initiatives. Cravings can lead to poor overall results and one of the biggest reasons people can’t lose weight.

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Here’s a few tips when you just can’t seem to kick your cravings:

Drink Water

When you experience a craving, start by drinking 16 ounces of water. Wait 10 minutes and that will often do the trick to curb a craving


A hard workout will definitely suppress a craving, even just 10-20 minutes will do the trick.

Brush Your Teeth

Get your toothbrush out and brush those pearly whites. The act triggers the brain to think you are done eating and will often take your mind off the craving.

Eat More Protein

Strive for 25% of your calories from protein sources. Protein makes you feel full longer and can often curb cravings.

Do Something Counter To The Craving

Go for a walk, read a book, participate in a water sport, take a bath…do something that makes it difficult to indulge in the craving.

Chew Gum

Some studies suggest that chewing gum curbs cravings.


A lack of sleep triggers food cravings so make sure you’re getting at least 7-8 hours sleep each night.


Experiencing high levels of stress definitely triggers cravings so focus on initiatives that reduce your stress. Consider deep breathing exercises, yoga, meditation or mindful movement.

Remove The Temptations

Know which foods are your weakness and make sure you do not have easy access to them. If you have those foods you often crave in your cupboards, when you experience a moment of weakness your will-power will not win.

Eat It

One way to overcome your cravings is to practice mindful eating. So if you’re craving chocolate, go for it but do it in a mindful way. Spend a few moments smelling the chocolate. Then put a piece in your month and let it sit there for a while melting in your mouth. Be mindful of the taste, smell, texture and enjoy every second. You’ll be less likely to overindulge if you are very present while you’re eating. You can also try to trick your body by eating something healthy that will satisfy a craving something unhealthy. So if you’re craving something sweet, try apple and almond butter or yogurt and fruit. If you’re craving something salty, try salted edamame or put some salt on a tomato and eat it. If you’re craving ice cream, try a brand like Halo with low calories and low sugar. Sometimes a little indulgence can avoid an out-of-control binge.

Yours in health & fitness,
Sherri McMillan


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Aug 16th & 17th, 2019

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Register TODAY!


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