Shape Up with Sherri

Read till you get to my rant…

Hey Team. Tonight’s Blog will get the Anti-Vegans going…notice I’m alternating back and forth between Pro and Anti-Vegan sentiments. Gotta keep it fair! 🙂 Pro-Vegan Input from Ted Schatz: While I do respect the point of view of anti-Vegans, there are as many holes in their theories as Swiss cheese. HA – pun intended! 1….

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What does Ted eat?

Dear Clients, Friends and Family, We thought it would be cool for you to see a Day-in-the-Life of a Vegan, one of our trainers Ted Schatz, who has been living this lifestyle a lot longer than me. I don’t want you to think my Vegan diet is ‘Ideal’ – I’m definitely fumbling along as I…

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Mess-up #2 – Hey, no one is perfect!

One week down, 3 to go to determine whether this will be a longer, more life-time commitment. I’ve had a few comments regarding my caloric intake and suggesting it might be a little low. Well, put it this way, after one week, I’ve lost 3 pounds so I’m definitely in a deficit. A healthy, long-term…

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How do you do Vegan at Red Robins?

Dear clients, friends and family, I hope you had a fabulous weekend. Here’s the report for the day. Pre-run: 1/2 a grapefruit Breakfast: Organic granola and almond cereal with rice milk & Organic banana. Snack: 1/2 a bagel with tofu cream cheese Lunch at Red Robins: This was the biggest obstacle to see if I…

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Negative Comments about a Vegan Diet

Dear clients, friends & family: In the spirit of transparency, I wanted you to all know that not everyone believes a Vegan diet is the healthiest choice. I’ve received a few emails from people who have reported that they have tried a Vegan diet and suffered issues to their skin, hair etc. The email below…

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What does Dr. Dean Ornish say about a Vegan Diet?

Day 4 of the Vegan Challenge: Derrick deLay, one of our Vegan Trainers, sent me the following information from Dr. Dean Ornish, one of the world’s leading medical doctors specializing in health, fitness, nutrition and the positive effects on cardiovascular disease. He provides some fabulous tips and two yummy recipes for Vegetarian Chili and Pancakes….

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I messed up and it’s only Day 3

Day 3 of the Vegan Challenge Breakfast – Organic granola and almond cereal, organic banana, strawberries and organic rice milk. Yep, the exact same thing as the last 2 days! Creature of habit. Snack – Organic Pear Lunch – Yakisoba noodles and vegetables. This is where I messed up. I was so pleased that I…

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Day 2 – Important tips regarding Dairy

Okay, you’re going to learn a little bit about me during this month challenge… I’m super predictable – and when it comes to food some may think super boring! 🙂 It’s interesting to note that I never met my biological dad but I’ve been told by those who knew him that every morning he would…

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Here is Today’s Meal Plan

Dear clients, friends and family. My intent for the next 30 days is to share my Meal plan and provide tips that will help you look and feel your absolute best. Feel free to follow along with the Vegan challenge or just take the tips that best appeal to you. Day 1 of the Vegan…

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