Shape Up with Sherri

Shadow Boxing for Health

Boxing gyms focused on fitness versus getting in the ring are popping up across the country. Boxing provides numerous benefits including cardiovascular fitness, muscular strength and endurance, agility, stress relief and a boost to your confidence and self-esteem. When you box you feel hard-core, invincible and better able to tackle any challenge that comes your…

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Build Your Bones

Bone density decreases at a rate of 1% per year after the age of 35 and bones can become brittle, porous and weak. For a woman, the first 5 to 10 years after menopause, annual bone loss increases further to average 2% loss per year. Although women suffer from osteoporosis to a far greater magnitude…

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Stretch to Move Better

As we get older, we tend to get tighter. Our connective tissue becomes more rigid and that affects our mobility and can increase aches and pains throughout our body. Many will then decide to take up Yoga, but if you’re exceptionally tight, Yoga can often be uncomfortable and a struggle. Those who are often very…

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Options When You Can’t Do Lunges & Squats

Most diehard gym enthusiasts resort to lunges and squats to train their lower body. However, many new exercisers may find these exercises too challenging and may even experience knee pain when attempting to perform them. Without the ability to lunge or squat though, you will lose the ability to climb stairs, get out of a…

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Standing Core

Most people work their core from the floor performing crunches, sit-ups, planks and other variations. The core is extremely important because it’s the foundation for all your movements. When your core is strong that strength radiates out to your extremities allowing you to perform activities of daily living better and enjoy enhanced sports performance. If…

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5-Minute Gentle Morning Routine

After sleeping all night, it’s a great idea to start your day with some gentle range of motion exercises/stretches to get your blood flowing, wake up your muscles, lubricate your joints and warm your connective tissue. Try the following 5-minute sequence in the morning and make note of how your body feels before and after:…

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Move Everyday

There’s value to doing something active every single day. That doesn’t mean that you need to push yourself or head to the gym every day and that you shouldn’t have recovery days, but you should have intentional movement planned into every single day. Don’t forget to sign up under “Weekly Fitness Tips” to automatically receive…

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Fat Versus Fit

An important question to ask is whether skinny and unfit is more healthy than fat and fit. One researcher, Dr. Steven Blair and his colleagues at the Cooper Fitness Institute, conducted a large fitness study focusing on this exact question. They recruited over 25,000 men and more than 7,000 women ages 20-88. Subjects were followed…

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Why Does Body Composition Matter?

What weighs more, a pound of fat or a pound of muscle? That’s a trick question because a pound is a pound, so a pound of muscle is the same weight as a pound of fat. The difference is a pound of fat takes up more space in your body and is larger than a…

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Quick Bodyweight Workout

Summer months often have us busy with kids, holidays, vacations, camping, and BBQs and many struggle to find the time to get to the gym and maintain their workout routine. No worries and no excuses because there are literally hundreds of exercises you can do anywhere with no equipment whatsoever. Body weight exercise is a…

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