Mike Wall

"I really think that all of the trainers at NWPT are top-notch and all of the staff is so welcoming and full of encouragement. Obviously, you have to do the work yourself to "get there", but having a supporting and fun environment makes it so much easier."

Featured Client!

Back in November 2016, I wanted to go get a DEXA scan as I was curious about my bone density. DEXA scans are also very useful tools to show body composition. I was horrified to find out that at the time of the scan, I was 43% fat, and had four pounds of visceral fat on me as well! I went home from the scan and told my wife that if I didn’t turn things around, I would be dead of a heart attack in under ten years. I love to research, so I checked out every gym in the VANWA area. After talking to Donna at NWPT, I signed up for a six-week promotion. Of course, I did things backward and started group class before I had my initial consultation. My first class was with Alicia and I was hooked. I tried every class I could and discovered I really liked rowing. Now I try to make it to six to eight classes a week. I have my various injuries and weaknesses, but all of the trainers at NWPT are very high-caliber and seamlessly give me modifications as needed.

I then signed up for a few training sessions with Marijka as I had admired how hard she made her clients work. We first started rehabbing my left shoulder and then we started working on doing bridges. I knew I could do a neck bridge, but I had never been able to accomplish a full bridge. Within two weeks of working with Marijka got me past the mental block and I was able to accomplish a bridge with assistance. Shortly after one session with her, I tried it “once more” on a whim and pushed myself up on my own. I started laughing out loud as I was so tickled at my accomplishment. I felt it was only appropriate that Marijka be the star in my picture as she helped me to get to that point. I really think that all of the trainers at NWPT are top-notch and all of the staff is so welcoming and full of encouragement. Obviously, you have to do the work yourself to “get there”, but having a supporting and fun environment makes it so much easier. I like all of the classes, but Judith’s rowing challenge on Friday evenings is such a kick in the pants with tons of laughter.

I will have another DEXA scan in July, but I did see a new internist in early February for a full physical. When he sent me the results of my blood tests, etc, I asked him if there was a mistake. Conveniently I had a full workup in November, right around the first DEXA scan. The results were *TRANSFORMATIVE* in only two months of working out hard. All of my results were between 50 – 120% improved! Rob (Mr. Motivation) told me he voted for me because he wanted me to succeed. I’m still working on getting there, but having NWPT along for the journey is a big help. Thank you again to all of the trainers and staff. You are all wonderful and your encouragement means so much.

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