Since joining Northwest Personal Training 6 years ago, I have truly enjoyed and appreciated how professional and inspiring the trainers and support staff are. Without them and NWPT, I’d never have completed my first ? marathon or Sprint Tri (of many more to come). They’ve helped me accomplish my personal goals from hiking all around Machu Picchu to getting ready to climb Mt. Kilimanjaro (we have less than 12 months guys, let’s get to it), to simply being healthier and happier with myself. I could not have kept up with my workouts without their input and being accountable to them as well as myself. And honestly, it’s great having them here to motivate me and tell me what to do…including “stop stalling/chatting/updating everyone on the Blazers/BSU and start your push-ups/squat-rows/lunges, etc.” But thanks to them I really am fitter, happier, and healthier every week! Trevor makes my Monday mornings, and therefore my entire week, start the right way. He’s always greets me with his “ready to conquer the day” attitude, I really can’t say enough about how great it is to work out with him (and chat about sports). Kristin always takes on my latest goal with zeal and enthusiasm, setting up the game plan and helping me every step of the way, and holding me accountable since I’m the one who controls the outcome. I appreciate her advice, expertise, and follow-up on everything whether it was returning from rehabbing my back to making sure my tri training was working out (it obviously did, I’m now a Triathlete!) Derrick challenges me physically and intellectually – who else could come up with his unique exercise movements and ask me to translate something into Latin or listen to him explain to me how the galaxy expansion is occurring. And to Rob (who always greets me with a smile and shares my obsession of sports), Lauri (who was my first trainer and I can’t wait to get into a class with her), Leah (whose wonderful attitude is contagious), Cindy (who helped me overcome my running plateau), Ted (who bikes and sings like a madman, which makes class all that much better) and Jenna (who makes Spinning class “fun”) – I thank you all as well! |