Partner Training – Week 4 Boxing Drills to do with your partner for active, quality time!
Last week we learned some important technique tips for some basic punches that you can do with your partner for an active and fun workout together.
Today we introduce you to some fun drills for combining some of those basic punches.
When beginning any of the following drills, remember that you should have first practiced and mastered your technique for each individual punch. Then begin by practicing each particular drill in slow motion with no power so you can each learn where you need to be punching and where the pads need to held in order to safely and effectively execute the drill. As you each feel more comfortable, you can start adding a little more power and speed.
It would also be very helpful to invest in a private session with a trainer who specializes in boxing technique to ensure you are both punching and using the pads correctly.
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Jab Punch Drill:
Your partner will hold one pad in front of you. You will hit the pad with a Jab and follow it immediately with a power punch. It should have a 1 – 2 rhythm; that is a fast jab and a powerful finishing punch (but remember – not too hard!) Continue this drill for 1 minute with one arm leading and then face the other direction and complete 1 minute with the other arm leading. Let your partner try.

Jab Uppercut Drill:
Your partner will hold one pad in front of you. You will hit the pad with a Jab and follow it immediately with a power uppercut (your partner will have to tilt the pad down slightly so you can hit it with your uppercut and then tilt it back to normal for the jab). It should have a 1 – 2 rhythm; that is a fast jab and a powerful finishing uppercut. Continue this drill for 1 minute with one arm leading and then face the other direction and complete 1 minute with the other arm leading. Let your partner try.

Hook Uppercut Drill:
Your partner will hold two pads in front of you. You will hit one pad with a hook (your partner should be holding the pad to the side) and then follow it immediately with a power uppercut (your partner should be holding the other pad in a slightly downward position so you can hit it with your uppercut). It should have a 1-2 rhythm; that is a fast hook, and a powerful uppercut. Continue this drill for 1 minute with one arm leading and then face the other direction and complete 1 minute with the other arm leading. Let your partner try.
Jab Punch Hook Drill:
Your partner will hold two pads in front of you. You will hit one pad with a Jab, follow it immediately with a power punch and then hit the other pad with a hook (your partner should have the pad positioned to the side so you can hit it with your hook). It should have a 1-2-3 rhythm; that is a fast jab, a powerful punch and a finishing hook. Continue this drill for 1 minute with one arm leading and then face the other direction and complete 1 minute with the other arm leading. Let your partner try.
Jab Punch Hook Uppercut Drill:
Your partner will hold two pads in front of you. You will hit one pad with a Jab, follow it immediately with a power punch and then hit the other pad with a hook (your partner should have the pad positioned to the side so you can hit it with your hook) and then finish the drill with an upper cut (your partner has to be quick to shift one pad from the side to the slightly downward position so you can hit it with your uppercut – it’ll take some practice so you both can get it down). It should have a 1-2-3-4 rhythm; that is a fast jab, a powerful punch, a strong hook and a finishing upper cut. Continue this drill for 1 minute with one arm leading and then face the other direction and complete 1 minute with the other arm leading. Let your partner try.
You can create a full body fitness workout by skipping and doing pushups, lunges and/or abdominal exercises in between drills.
Yours in health & fitness,
Sherri McMillan
Join us for the Couve Clover Run – 3, 7 & 10 miles March 20 @ 9:00am! Celebrate in your festive green while running or walking along an extremely fast and scenic course to support local charities