Partner Training – Week 2

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Partner Training – Week 2 – Quality Time Getting Fit Together!

Exercise Tubing is a great tool for Partner Training.  You can pick up a variety of tubes of various resistance levels each for about $10-$20 at your local sporting good store.

IMG_1050IMG_1052IMG_1055Squat & Mid-Row:

Stand facing your partner.  Wrap one tube around the other tube and then hold one handle in each of your hands.  Back away from each other your arms are fully extended and until there is some resistance on the tube.  Begin in a squat stance with feet between hip and shoulder width apart.  Slowly pull the tube, leading with your elbows, driving them backwards.  As you’re rowing backwards, pinch your shoulder blades together and towards the ground.  As you release your arms forward, you will squat towards the ground.  Complete 1 set of 8-20 reps.  This is a great exercise to help improve posture.

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IMG_1067IMG_1069IMG_1065Lunge + Full Body Rotation: 

Start facing sideways to your partner holding one end of one tube in your hands.  Lunge your outside leg (leg furthest from your partner) forward while simultaneously rotating to the outside of your body.  Press up and backwards and repeat 8-20x one side and then repeat on the other side.  Be sure that while lunging your front knee stays over your front foot and you always push from the leg that is in front.

IMG_1071IMG_1072Tricep Kickbacks:

Stand facing your partner.  Wrap your tubes around each other’s tube and each hold one handle in one hand.  Slowly bend forwards at the hip while maintaining perfect posture and a long spine.  Position both of your elbows up high and they will remain in this position throughout the entire exercise.  You elbows will act as a hinge as you and your partner slowly straighten your arms backwards.  Your elbows should not move out of position.  Slowly return to starting position.  Complete 1 set of 8-20 reps.

Yours in health & fitness,
Sherri McMillan

Join us for the Couve Clover Run – 3, 7 & 10 miles March 20 @ 9:00am! Celebrate in your festive green while running or walking along an extremely fast and scenic course to support local charities.

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